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P. 16


              C  Read again and write the correct words.

                                              The Class Schedule

                    It’s going to be a busy day                           .

                    This is my                                .

                    I have                    and                    classes.

                                                                                    classes. lasses.
                    I also have                     and                             c

                    I am going to study science.

                    I am going to study                        .

                    I am going to learn English                         . .

                    I am going to study history.

                    So I am going to                       early tonight. tonight.


                                                        Word Bank
                        social studies      words      sleep      tomorrow      math

                            numbers      English      class schedule      science

                                                                                                     8PSLCPPL 3
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21