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_о jೞח Ѫ਷ ࠛоמ೧ਃ                                              175.mp3

                         It’s out of the question for ~ to ....

            যڃ ੌਸ ೞח Ѫ੉ ࠛоמೞѢա ੓ਸ ࣻ হח ੌ੉ۄҊ ݈ೡ ٸ ࢎਊೡ ࣻ ੓ח ಁఢੑפ׮  r_ۄפ যܿب হয sۄח ׊ঔझ۽  যڃ ࢚ട੉
            അप੸ਵ۽ٚ ࢚ध੸ਵ۽ٚ ਊժغ૑ ঋਸ ٸ ੉ ಁఢਸ ॺפ׮  PVU PG UIF RVFTUJPO੉ rࠛоמೠs੉ۄח ڷੋ Ѫب ঌইفࣁਃ

              A  Why isn’t the new employee doing anything?  A  नੑࢎਗ਷ ৵ ইޖ ੌب ೞ૑ ঋח Ѣભ
              B  Oh, well, that’s because I haven’t given her many   B  ই  ਺  Ӓѱ ݈੉ભ  ઁо ই૒ө૑ ݐӟ সޖо ߹۽
                 responsibilities yet.                       হযࢲ Ӓۧणפ׮
              A  Why not? It’s out  the question for the new   A  ৵ભ  नੑࢎਗ੉ ইޖ ੌب ೞ૑ ঋҊ ੓׮פ ੓ਸ ࣻ
                 employee to be doing nothing!               হח ੌ੉ীਃ
              B  I understand. I’ll start by assigning some small tasks   B  ঌѷणפ׮  ੘਷ ੌࠗఠ ߓ੿ೞӝ द੘ೡѱਃ
                 to her.

                ਋ܻо ୊਺ࠗఠ ׮द द੘ೞח ੌ਷
                                            It’s out of the question for us to start over again.
                ੓ਸ ࣻ হয

                ֎о ৻߅੉ۄפ যܿب হয             It’s out of the question for you to stay out all night.

                ղо য়טө૑ ੉ ੌਸ ՘մ׮ח Ѫ਷        It’s out of the question for me to finish this by
                ࠛоמ೧ਃ                       today.

                Ӓ ৈ੗о ੉Ѧ ଼੐૓׮ח Ѫ਷ ࠛоמ೧

                Ӓ ࢎۈٜ੉ दрਸ ؊ ਃҳೠ׮ח Ѫ਷
                যܿب হח ݈੉ীਃ

                ֎о ࠺٣য় ѱ੐ਸ ؊ ࢎѷ׮ח Ѥ
                য୊ҳפহח ݈੉ঠ

                ਋ܻо ૑Ә ׼੢ ѐܳ ژ ੑনೠ׮ח Ѥ
                ࠛоמೠ ੌ੉ঠ

                Ӓ թ੗о ೠ ׳ঀ੉ա ോоܳ р׮ח Ѥ
                যܿب হח ܻࣗঠ
                Ӓ թ੗о ੉୊ۢ ઺ਃೠ ഥ੄ী ࡅ૓׮
                ח Ѥ ੓ਸ ࣻ হח ੌ੉ীਃ
                ղо ੉ द੼ী ଼੐ਸ ؊ ځݐח׮ח Ѥ
                ݈ب উ غח ੌ੉ભ

                                                                                  ੿׹਷ ଼ࣗ੗   ଃী

                       2 ߆ীࢲ ߎਸ ૑࢜׮ TUBZ PVU BMM OJHIU!4 _ਸ ځউ׮ UBLF PO!଼੐ SFTQPOTJCJMJUZ!5 ਃҳೞ׮ EFNBOE!7 ੑনೞ׮ BEPQU
                       8 ോо о׮ HP PO WBDBUJPO!10 ୶о੄ BEEJUJPOBM!੉ द੼ী BU UIJT UJNF

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