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_ਸ ׸׼ೞҊ ੓যਃ                                                  174.mp3

                      I’m in charge of ~.

          CF JO DIBSHF PGח r_ਸ ׸׼ೞ׮  ଼੐૑׮sۄח ੄޷੄ ಴അੑפ׮  ٮۄࢲ ࠄੋ੉ যڃ ੌ੉ա ৉ೡਸ ׸׼ೞҊ ੓Ѣա ଼੐૑Ҋ ੓׮Ҋ ݈
          ೡ ٸীח *sN JO DIBSHF PG _  ಁఢਸ ॳݶ غח Ѣભ

           A  Isn’t Ellen’s birthday just around the corner?  A  ৃ۪ ࢤੌ੉ ҍ ׮оয়૑ ঋפ
           B  Yes, it is. I’m in charge of organizing her surprise party. B  ݏই  ղо ӯ૟ ౵౭ܳ ׸׼ೞҊ ੓য
           A  Oh, that sounds like fun! Let me know if there’s   A  য  ੤޷੓ѷחؘ  ب৬઴ ੌ ੓ਵݶ ঌ۰઻
              anything I can do to help.               B  Ҋ݃ਕ  Ӓۡѱ
           B  Thanks, I will.

                                   just around the corner ੐߅ೞৈ  ௏খী ৬ ੓ח ] organize ળ࠺ೞ׮  ઑ૒ೞ׮ ] surprise party ӯ૟ ౵౭

             ղо ই੉ٜਸ ଼੐૑Ҋ ੓যਃ            I’m in charge of the children.

             դ ೟ࢤ   ݺਸ ੹ࠗ ׸׼ೞҊ ੓যਃ       I’m in charge of all thirty students.

             ղо ౵झఋ ݅٘ח ੌਸ ׸׼ೞҊ ੓যਃ      I’m in charge of making the pasta.

             ղо ௼ܻझ݃झ ݅ଲ ҅ദਸ ׸׼ೞҊ

             ղо ਋ܻ о઒ ݽ੐੄ ٣੷౟ܳ ଼੐૑
             Ҋ ੓য

             ੘স ജ҃ਸ উ੹ೞѱ ݅٘ח Ѧ ଼੐૑
             Ҋ ੓ભ

             դ ੉ ഥࢎ ഥ҅ࠗܳ ଼੐૑Ҋ ੓णפ׮

             ਋ܻ যݠפ ࢤੌ ౵౭ ੢धਸ ղо ׸׼
             ೞҊ ੓য
             ղо ݽٚ ࢎۈਸ दрী ݏ୾ ҕ೦ী
             ؘܻҊ оח Ѧ ଼੐૑Ҋ ੓য
             ࢎۈٜ੉ ӏ஗ਸ ഛप൤ ٮܰب۾ ೞח
             Ѧ ଼੐૑Ҋ ੓যਃ

                                                                               ੿׹਷ ଼ࣗ੗   ଃী

                    5 о઒ ݽ੐ GBNJMZ HBUIFSJOH!6 উ੹ೠ ੘স ജ҃ਸ ࠁ੢ೞ׮ FOTVSF B TBGF XPSL FOWJSPONFOU!7 ഥ҅ࠗ  ܻ҃ࠗ BDDPVOUJOH
                    EFQBSUNFOU!9 _ܳ jী ؘ۰о׮ HFU TPNFPOF UP TPNFXIFSF!10 ഛप൤ _ೞѱ ೞ׮ NBLF TVSF UIBU 4   7

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