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P. 11

when they move.

                                                                 JOWJUFח rୡ؀ೞ׮sࡺ݅ ইפۄ
                                                                 rউղೞ׮  ӂೞ׮sۄח ڷਵ۽ب ॳৈਃ
              9.   Ms. Randy thanked her / and invited them / into the kitchen /
                                                    ӒܻҊ Ӓٜਸ উղ೮׮             ࠗ  া  ਵ۽

                   for some homemade apple pie.
                   ૘  ীࢲ ݅ٚ গ೒౵੉ܳ ઱ӝ ਤ೧

              10. It was / a great cultural exchange.
                   ӒѪ਷ _৓׮

                    Reading Point       ݺࢎܳ ٍীࢲ Բݴ઱ח that੺

                            The Kims gave tteok, a traditional Korean food that is made of
                            rice and beans, to the Randys.

                            ӣॿ֎ о઒਷ वҗ ಀਵ۽ ݅ٚ ೠҴ੄ ੹ా ਺धੋ ڂਸ ے٣ॿ о઒ীѱ ઼׮

                            ৈӝࢲ that਷ খী աৡ ݺࢎ foodܳ ࠁ୽ ࢸݺೞӝ ਤ೧ ॳ৓যਃ  ٮۄࢲ ߃઴ ஘ that੺੉ foodܳ
                            Բݴ઱ח Ѫ੉޲۽ food _ beansܳ rवҗ ಀਵ۽ ٜ݅য૓ ਺धs੉ۄҊ ೧ࢳೞݶ ؾפ׮  ੉۠ ਊب
                            ۽ ॳ੉ח thatਸ rҙ҅؀ݺࢎsۄҊ ೞҊ  ੉ۧѱ ࢎޛਸ Բݴ઴ ٸח which۽ ߄Լ ॄب ظਃ

                            1  It is a robot that is made with blocks.

                            2  This is the book that changed my life.

                                                                                                    Unit 2   19
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