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Comprehension Check

               A   ޙ੢ਸ ੍Ҋ ০ਵݶ 5 5SVF   ౣܻݶ ' 'BMTF ী زӒۄ޷ ೞࣁਃ

               1  Alpo was sick because he got the flu.                                 T  /  F
               2  The boy looked after Alpo all day.                                    T  /  F

               3  Alpo gave me water and medicine.                                      T  /  F

               B   ׮਺ਸ ੍Ҋ ঌݏ਷ ׹ਸ Ҋܰࣁਃ

               1  This passage is mainly about                             .
                    a  a boy and his dog

                    b  a boy and his dad

                    c  the animal hospital

               2  What did the boy put under Alpo, back at home?
                    a  A wet towel               b  A clean blanket               c  Some medicine

               3  What happened after the boy looked after Alpo all day?
                    a  The boy met his big brother.

                    b  The boy fell asleep beside Alpo’s house.

                    c  The boy took some medicine.

               C   ޙ੢ਸ ৮ࢿೞח ױযܳ ॄ ֍ਵࣁਃ

               1  Alpo had a                    nose and a                 .

               2   Dad said that since I was Alpo’s big brother, it was my                        to

                   take good                   of him.

               3  This morning, something                       woke me up.

                                                                                                    Unit 2   17
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