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੿ഛೞѱ ੍ӝ                  Read and Understand

             ੜ ੍Ҋ ੉೧೮աਃ  ޙ੢੄ ੿ഛೠ ੄޷ܳ ঌইࠁࣁਃ

           1.  Animals use / their tails / in many different ways.
                زޛٜ਷ ࢎਊೠ׮          Ӓٜ੄ Ԙܻܳ

                                            ৈӝࢲ MJLFח r_э਷s੉ۄח ڷ੄ ੹஖ࢎ৘ਃ
           2.  Some animals, / like monkeys, / use their tails / to swing /

                যڃ زޛٜ਷               ਗः੉ э਷               Ӓٜ੄ Ԙܻܳ ࢎਊೠ׮
                from tree to tree.

                ա  ޖ  ীࢲ աޖ۽
                                            MJLF MJ[BSETח TPNF BOJNBMTܳ ࢸݺೞӝ ਤ೧ ୶оػ Ѫ੉যࢲ খٍী ओ಴о ੓যਃ

           3.  Some animals, / like lizards, / use their tails / for self-defense.
                যڃ زޛٜ਷               ب݃ߗ э਷           Ӓٜ੄ Ԙܻܳ ࢎਊೠ׮
                                                         ৈӝࢲ BTח r_۽s  r_۽ࢲsۄח ڷ੄ ੹஖ࢎ৘ਃ
           4.  Scorpions use / their tails / as a weapon.

                ੹тٜ਷ ࢎਊೠ׮           Ӓٜ੄ Ԙܻܳ

           5.  It has poison / in it.
                                    Ӓ উী

           6.  Fish use / their tails / to move through water.
                ޛҊӝٜ਷ ࢎਊೠ׮   Ӓٜ੄ Ԙܻܳ
                                                                                 IFMQ " # ח r"о #ೞח Ѫਸ ذ׮s
                                                                                ۄח ڷ੉ীਃ
           7.  Kangaroos and squirrels use / their tails / to help themselves balance.

                ரѢܖٜҗ ׮ۈાٜ਷ ࢎਊೠ׮                       Ӓٜ੄ Ԙܻܳ

           8.  Birds use / their tails / to help themselves fly / in the sky.
                ࢜  ٜ  ਷ ࢎਊೠ׮   Ӓٜ੄ Ԙܻܳ                                       ೞטীࢲ

           9.  Cats and dogs use / their tails / to communicate.

                Ҋন੉ٜҗ ѐٜ਷ ࢎਊೠ׮            Ӓٜ੄ Ԙܻܳ

           10. They can use / their tails / to express / many emotions /
                Ӓٜ਷ ࢎਊೡ ࣻ ੓׮        Ӓٜ੄ Ԙܻܳ        ಴  അ  ೞӝ ਤ೧    ݆਷ х੿ٜਸ

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