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P. 8
128 What does ~ look like? _ যڌѱ ࢤ҂णפө 167
129 What’s the price of ~? _ ݃ੑפө 168
Unit 15 ޙೞӝ
130 Could you give me an estimate on ~? 170
_ী ೠ Ѽਸ ղ दѷणפө
131 We’d like to place an order for ~. _ਸ ޙೞҊ रणפ 171
132 Can you ship ~ by …? _ਸ j۽ ࠁղ दѷणפө 172
133 How soon can you deliver ~? _ ߓ׳ө ݃ա Ѧ݀פө 173
134 Can you make payment (by/in ~)? _۽ _ө Ѿઁೞदѷणפө 174
135 What’s the warranty period (for ~)? 175
_ ಿ ࠁૐ ӝр ݃ա ؾפө
136 What warranty do you offer on ~? 176
_ী ೧ যڃ ಿ ࠁૐਸ ઁҕפө
Unit 16 ࠛ݅ ߂ ޙઁ ܻೞӝ
137 ~ broke down. _ Ҋ լযਃ 178
138 We’re not happy with ~. _ ݃ী উ ٟפ 179
139 It’s against company policy to ~. _ ഥࢎ ଼ী যӚժפ 180
140 Can I get a refund on ~? _ਸ ജࠛ߉ਸ ࣻ ਸөਃ 181
ۨઃప࣌ ׳ੋ غӝ ਤೠ ಁఢ
Unit 17 ۨઃప࣌ दೞӝ
141 Let’s give a warm welcome to ~. _ਸ ٮڷೞѱ ݏद 184
142 I’m ~. ח _ੑפ 185
143 I’m working as ~. _۽ ੌೞҊ णפ 186
144 I’m in charge of ~. _ਸ ೞҊ णפ 187