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Unit 12 ഈ࢚ ݃ޖܻೞӝ
107 Let me recap ~. _ਸ ѐۚਵ۽ ݈ॹܻ٘ѷणפ 143
108 I think the meeting was ~. _ ഥҊ ࢤпפ 144
ѢېೞҊ ޖೡ ٸ ԝԝ ୃѹঠ ೡ ಁఢ
Unit 13 ઁಿ ߂ द ࣗѐೞӝ
109 We’ve just launched ~. _ਸ ݄ द೮णפ 147
110 It is designed to ~. ӒѪ _ೞب۾ Ҋউغणפ 148
111 Its key feature is ~. ӒѪ ਃ ౠ _ੑפ 149
112 A distinctive aspect of our product is ~. 150
൞ ઁಿ ౠ _ੑפ
113 Our target market is ~. ൞ ݾ द _ੑפ 151
114 We should concentrate on ~. ܻח _ী ۱೧ঠ פ 152
115 We’re diversifying ~. ൞ח _ਸ пചೡ Ѫੑפ 153
116 It is said that ~. _ۄҊ ೞ؊ҵਃ 154
117 ~ will be released. _ दؼ ѩפ 155
118 This product is famous for ~. ઁಿ _۽ ਬݺפ 156
119 One of the features is ~. ౠ ೞաח _ੑפ 157
120 ~ is[are] superior (to) …. _о jࠁ ࣻפ 158
121 ~ is effective in …. _ jী ബҗо णפ 159
122 This item is for ~. ಿݾ _ਸ ਤೠ Ѫੑפ 160
Unit 14 ઁಿী ೧ ޙೞӝ
123 I’d like to ask you about ~. _ী ೧ ޚҊ रणפ 162
124 Where can I get ~? _ ਸ য٣ীࢲ ҳ ੑ ೡ ࣻ णפө 163
125 ~ is[are] getting popular. _ ੋӝܳ ՑҊ যਃ 164
126 ~ is[are] out of stock. _ Ҋо ز լणפ 165
127 How much does ~ weigh? _ ޖѱо ݃ա աцפө 166