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_ ݫद૑ܳ թѹب ؼөਃ                                               004.mp3

                      Can I leave a message ~?

          ాചೞҊ र਷ ࢎۈ੉ ੗ܻܳ ࠺ਕ ੹ച Ѥ ਊѤ੉ա ഥन ੹ചܳ ࠗఌೞח ݫद૑ܳ թӝҊ੗ ೡ ٸ ࢎਊೞח ಴അੑפ׮  $BO * _  ؀नী
          .BZ * _ ۄҊ ݈೧ب ؾפ׮

               May I speak to a person named Dong-Jin  A
                                                       A  ੉ز૓੉ۄח ࠙җ ాചೡ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ
              Lee?                                     B ૑Ә ഥ੄ ઺੉भפ׮
           B He’s in a meeting now.                    A
                                                       A  Ӓীѱ ݫद૑ܳ թѹب ؼөਃ
           A Can I leave a message for him?

                                                                              named _ۄח ੉ܴ੄

             ૑Ә ݫद૑ܳ թѹب ؼөਃ             Can I leave a message now?

             Ӓ֗ীѱ ݫद૑ܳ թѹب ؼөਃ           Can I leave a message for her?

             ׼न੄ ോ؀ ੹ചী ݫद૑ܳ
                                         Can I leave a message on your cell phone?
             թѹب ؼөਃ

             ృӔೡ ٸ ݫद૑ܳ թѹب ؼөਃ

             ߄ࢁदݶ ݫद૑ܳ թѹب ؼөਃ

             ׼न੄ ਺ࢿ ݫੌী ݫद૑ܳ
             թѹب ؼөਃ

             Ӓ࠙੉ ഥ੄ ઺੉दפ ݫद૑ܳ
             թѹب ؼөਃ

             ੉ߣ ઱݈ী ؀೧ Ӓীѱ ݫद૑ܳ
             թѹب ؼөਃ
             Ӓ࠙੉ ੹ചܳ ߉ਸ ࣻ হ׮ݶ
             ݫद૑ܳ թѹب ؼөਃ
             ೐۽ં౟ ׸׼੗ীѱ ݫद૑ܳ
             թѹب ؼөਃ

                                                                               ੿׹਷ ଼ࣗ੗  ଃী

                    4 ృӔೞ׮ leave   5 ߄ࢂ busy   6 ਺ࢿ ݫੌ voice mail   9 ੹ചܳ ߉׮ answer the phone, get the phone,
                    ੹ചೞ׮ make a (phone) call   10 _ ׸׼੄ in charge of

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