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_৬ ాചೡ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ                                                002.mp3

                      May I speak to ~?

          ੉ ಁఢ਷ ੹ചܳ Ѧয ాചೞҊ र਷ ࢎۈਸ ߄Լ ׳ۄҊ ೡ ٸ ࢎਊ೤פ׮  .BZ * _  ؀न $BO * _ ۄҊ ೧ب ؾפ׮  ੉ٸ r_৬ ੉ঠӝೞ׮s
          ח TQFBL XJUIо ইפۄ TQFBL UPۄҊ ೠ׮ח ੼ীب ઱੄ೞࣁਃ

           A May I speak to Mr. Cha?                   A
                                                       A  ޷झఠ ର৬ ాചೡ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ ରର
           B Speaking.                                 B  ੹ؘਃ
           A I’m calling to ask you about the order I placed.  A
                                                       A ઁо ೠ ઱ޙ Ѥਵ۽ ޙ੄ೡ ѱ ੓য ੹ച ٘۷যਃ
           B Let me check on it.                       B  ഛੋ೧ ࠅѱਃ

                                                                            place an order ઱ޙೞ׮

             ߅ Үࣻ৬ ాചೡ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ            May I speak to Professor Park?

             ׸׼੗৬ ాചೡ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ             May I speak to someone in charge?

             ݃ா౴ ࠗ੢җ ాചೡ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ          May I speak to the marketing manager?

             ੉ ߅ࢎ৬ ాചೡ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ

             ؘ੉࠺झ ॿ৬ ాചೡ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ

             ಞ૘੗৬ ాചೡ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ

             ࢚ࢎ࠙җ ాചೡ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ

             ૑੼੢җ ాചೡ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ

             ࢎস ؀୹ Ѥী ؀೧ࢲ ־ҵо৬ ాചೡ
              ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ
             ӒѪী ؀೧ ੜ ঌҊ ҅न ࠙җ ాചೡ ࣻ

                                                                               ੿׹਷ ଼ࣗ੗  ଃী

                    2 ׸׼ೞח in charge   6 ಞ૘੗ editor, ୹౸ੋ ୹౸ࢎ  publisher, ੘о author   7 ࢚ࢎ supervisor, boss
                    8 ૑੼੢ regional manager, local manager   10 ੜ ইח knowledgeable

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