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What is this about?  ޖट ੌ੉न૑ਃ
                                 To what is this pertaining?                 ↟pertain to _৬ ҙ۲غ׮

                                ࢚ട 02    ੹ചܳ Ѧ ٸ

                              ੹ചܳ Ѧ ٸח ࠄੋ੉ ־ҳੋ૑  যڃ ݾ੸ਵ۽ ੹ചܳ ೮ח૑ ݺഛೞѱ ੹׳
                              ೤פ׮  ాചܳ ਗೞח ૒ਗ੄ ੉ܴҗ ࠗࢲݺਸ ߋ൤Ҋ উղܳ ਃ୒ೞࣁਃ

                                 ؀಴಴അ    May I speak to Steven Park in the finance
                                      department?                 ܻ҃ࠗ੄ झ౭࠵ ߅җ ాചೡ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ
           ׸׼੗ܳ ଺ח ҃਋
           ੗न੉ ాചೞҊ੗ ೞח ࢎۈ੄
           ੉ܴਸ ݽܳ ҃਋ীח ׸׼੗    Could I speak to Susan Kim in the marketing department?
           о ־ҳੋ૑ ޛযࠊঠ ೤פ׮    ݃ா౴ࠗ੄ ࣻਖ਼ ӣҗ ాചೡ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ
           r׸׼੗sח the right person
           the responsible person  a   Could I speak with John Evans, please?  ઓ ী߈झ ખ ߄Լ ઱दѷযਃ
           person in charge ١ਵ۽ ಴
           അೞݶ ؾפ׮            Is Steven there?  झ౭࠵ ੓աਃ
                                 Is Steven in?

                              ׮द ੹ചܳ Ѣח ҃਋ۄݶ ખ ੹ী ੹ച೮؍ ࢎۈ੉ۄח Ѫਸ ߋ൩פ׮

                                 ؀಴಴അ    Excuse me, this is the person who was just on the
                                      phone.                      प۹೤פ׮݅   ߑӘ  ੹ച೮؍  ࢎۈੑפ׮

                              I was just on the phone with you.  ߑӘ ੹ী ాച೮঻חؘਃ
                              I just called a minute ago.  ઑӘ ੹ী ੹ച ٘۷঻חؘਃ

                              I’ve tried to get in touch with you several times.  ాചೞ۰Ҋ ৈ۞ ߣ ੹ച೮঻যਃ

                              ־ҵо੄ ࣗѐ۽  ഑਷ ׮ܲ ࢎۈ ؀न ੹ചܳ Ѣח ҃਋ীח ׮਺җ э੉ ݈ೞ
                              ݶ ؾפ׮
                              He referred me to you.  Ӓ࠙ ࣗѐ۽ ੹ച ٘۰ਃ       ↟refer to _ীѱ ঌইࠁب۾ ೞ׮
                              I’m calling on behalf of Mr. Lim.  ޷झఠ ੐ਸ ؀न೧ࢲ ੹ച ٘݀פ׮

                              ੹ചܳ Ѥ ݾ੸ਸ ࢸݺೡ ٸח I am calling about ~ _ী ҙ೧ ੹ച ٘݀פ׮ ਸ
                              ੉ਊೞݶ ಞܻ೤פ׮

                                 ؀಴಴അ    I am calling about your visit to Seoul.
                                                                 ׼न੄  ࢲ਎  ߑޙী  ҙೞৈ  ੹ച  ٘۷णפ׮

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