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                 ױ҅           ࢚ട 01    ੹ചܳ ߉ਸ ٸ
             ೨ब಴അ ੊൤ӝ
                             ੹ച࢚ ੋࢎ۽ח Good morning/afternoon/evening!੉ա Hello! / Hi!ܳ
            ੹ച ాചܳ ೡ ٸ
                             ࢎਊೞݶ ؾפ׮  Hi!ח ߋҊ ஘੺ೠ ו՝ਸ ઱ӝח ೞ૑݅  ഥࢎ੄ ؀಴ ੹ചۄ
            ਬਊೠ ಴അٜਸ ੊൤
            ࣁਃ               ݶ ખ ؊ ੿઺ೞѱ Hello!ۄҊ ਽؀ೞח Ѫ੉ જणפ׮

                               ؀಴಴അ   Hello, this is Janet Lee speaking.    ৈࠁࣁਃ  ੗֔ ܻੑפ׮

          ੹ച࢚ীࢲ ੗नਸ ߋ൧
                             Hi, this is Steven Lee in human resources.  ৈࠁࣁਃ  ੋࢎࠗ झ౭࠵ ܻੑפ׮
          ٸח This is
          ੹ച࢚ীࢲ  ੗न੉  ־ҳੋ
                             Hello, this is Johnny Chen from headquarters in Hong Kong.
          ૑ ߋ൧ ٸח Ism  ~੉ ইפۄ
                             ৈࠁࣁਃ  ഘ௖ ࠄࢎ੄ ੗פ ୕ੑפ׮                             ↟headquarters ࠄࢎ
          This is ~ܳ ࢎਊ೤פ׮  ࢎۈ
          ਸ ૒੽ ࠁח Ѫ੉ ইפۄ ݾࣗ
                             Hello, John Evans, Sales Department.  ৈࠁࣁਃ  ৔সࠗ ઓ ী߈झੑפ׮
          ܻ۽ ੹׳ೞח ࢚ട੉ӝ ٸޙ
          ੉૑ਃ  ੹ച Ѥ ࢎۈ੉ ੹ചܳ
          ઁ؀۽ Ѧ঻ח૑ ഛੋೞҊ र
                             যڃ সޖ۽ Ѧ۰ ৡ ੹ചੋ૑ ഛੋೞৈ উղ೤פ׮
          ਸ ٸח Is this ~? Ѣӝ _ݏ
          աਃ  ۄҊ ೞݶ ؾפ׮
          Is this the Sales
          Department?          ؀಴಴അ   How can I help you?                  ޖ঺ਸ  ب৬ܾ٘өਃ
          Ѣӝ ৔সࠗ ݏաਃ
                               How may I help you?   ઑӘ ؊ ੿઺ೠ ಴അ
                               What can I do for you?
                               What can I help you with today?

                             ੹ചܳ Ѥ ࢚؀о ־ҳੋ૑  যڃ ݾ੸ਵ۽ ੹ചܳ ೠ Ѫੋ૑ ഛੋ੉ ೙ਃೠ ҃
                             ਋ۄݶ ইې৬ э੉ ૕ޙೞࣁਃ
          ੿઺ೠ ಴അ may
          Can੉ա Could ؀न May۽
                               ؀಴಴അ   May I ask who’s calling, please?     प۹૑݅  য٣द૑ਃ
          ૕ޙೞݶ ઑӘ ؊ ੿઺ೠ ಴അ
          ੉ ؾפ׮  ૊  Can I ask ~?
          ա Could I ask ~?ࠁ׮ May   Who’s speaking, please?  ־ҳद૑ਃ
          I ask ~?ۄҊ ೞݶ ؊਌ Ѻध
          ੓ח ಴അ੉ ٜ݅য૘פ׮      Who’s calling, please?  ੹ച ઱न ࠙਷ ־ҳद૑ਃ
                             Which company are you from?  যו ഥࢎীࢲ োۅ ઱दח Ѣભ
                             Sorry, you are...?  ޷উ೤פ׮݅  য٣दભ

                               ؀಴಴അ   May I ask what this is in regards to?
                                                 ޖट  ੌ੉न૑  ৈଞ  ࠊب  ؼөਃ  ↟in regards to _ী ҙೞৈ    about

                               May I ask what this is about?
                               Can I ask what it’s about?
                               Could I ask what it’s in regards to?

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