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P. 21

℉ ࢎѤ  ࢎҊ
                                ℉ accident       গঘॿ؍[qNVLGQ W @          ঘद؍౟

                                ℊ don’t          ب਍[GRXQ W @               ت౟

                                ℋ wouldn’t        ਋ ਕٚ[ZkGQ W @            ਋ٚ౟

                                ℌ couldn’t       ௢ٚ[NkGQ W @               ௢ٚ౟

                                 ℉  ъࣁܳ ߉૑ ঋח ف ߣ૩ ਺੺ -cci-ח ݈ೞח ࣘبо ࡈۄ૑ݶ  rॳs۽ ডചغӝب ೤פ׮
                                 ℋ   wouldn’tীࢲ ݃૑݄ t soundח Ѣ੄ ٜܻ૑ ঋणפ׮  d soundח t soundо ডചغח
                                   Ѫ୊ۢ ഃ՘੉ ੑୌ੢ী ׿ਵݶࢲ rܰƃ s ೞ٠੉ ডചؾפ׮

                                ޙ੢ ࣘীࢲ ࢎۄ૑ח  t ী ੸਽ೞӝ
               ޙ੢ ߊ਺ള۲
                                ޷Ҵੋٜ੉ ޖदೞח t soundח Speakingࠁ׮ Listeningীࢲ ؊ ޙઁо ؾפ
                                ׮  ׮਺ ޙ੢ٜਸ ٜਵݶࢲ ࢎۄ૑ח tী ੊ࣼ೧ઉ ࠁࣁਃ

           ⇡ թࠗ ݈ైо ੓ҵਃ         ℆  You have a Southern accent.
           ⇢  ࢸ݃  ই૒ ৌө૑ب ࣄ ઴
             ݽܲױ ݈੉ঠ            ℇ  Oh no! You can’t even count from one to ten yet?
           ⇣ ࠄۿਵ۽ ٜযцद׮
                                ℈  Let’s get to the point.
           ⇤   CPAח ҕੋഥ҅ࢎ੄ ড
                                ℉  CPA is the abbreviation of Certified Public Accountant.
           ⇥  ಕք౟੄  ݽন਷  ࢖пഋ
                                ℊ  The shape of a pennant is triangle.
           ⇦  ੷ӝ ੓ח ೠҴ ध׼ীࢲ ध
                                ℋ  Why don’t we try the Korean restaurant over there?
           ⇧ ോ Ӓے౟ח ݧ૑׮
                                ℌ Hugh Grant is cute.

                                 ℆  accent>qNVQ(W @    ℇ  count[ DXQ(W @
                                 ℉   accoutant য஠਍ൔ> bXQ Q(W @  -tantীࢲ খ੄ tח ௕߄ۈ[ @  ՘੄ tח ߊ਺ೞ૑
                                   ݃ࣁਃ  CPAח Certified Public Accountant੄ ড੗۽ rҕੋഥ҅ࢎsੑפ׮
                                   certified[V‘÷ LIDLG@
                                 ℊ   pennant[SeQQ(W @ ಕք Ÿ   ಕք౟ ƒ   ઱۽ ೟Ү ਍ز౱ school sports team  ਽ਗ
                                   ਸ ਤ೧ ٜ݅য૓ ӥߊਸ ݈೤פ׮

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