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P. 14

Comprehension Checkup

                    Choose the best answer.

                    1  What is this story mainly about?

                        a. why people need water
                        b. the water cycle

                        c. how to people use water

                        d. how people use the oceans

                    2  What happens when the sun heats up the water?

                        a. The water falls down.

                        b. The water runs dry.

                        c. The water gets cold.
                        d. The water evaporates into the sky.

                    3  What are rain and snow made of?

                        a. water droplets                         b. water cycle
                        c. Earth’s surface                        d. the sun

                    4  What kind of water is 97 percent of the water on the Earth?

                        a. fresh water                            b. lake water

                        c. river water                            d. salt water

                    5  Where does the rain or snow fall back?

                        a. in the oceans                          b. in the snow

                        c. in the sky                             d. in the rain

                    6  The water cycle changes                                            .
                        a. fresh water in the oceans into salt water every day

                        b. rain water in the oceans into salt water every day

                        c. salt water in the oceans into rain water every day
                        d. salt water in the oceans into fresh water every day

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