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P. 9

           Practice       ੉ઁ ੗न ੓ѱ ݈ೡ ࣻ ੓աਃ                      ઁೠदр

          007                                008
              ݃੉௿  ցೠప ੹ച য়חؘ                     উ֞  ࠻ఠ  ૑Ә ాച ҡଳই
             Michael, your phone is ringing!    Hi, Victor.

            ?   ա ૑Ә ച੢प੉ঠ  ա ؀न ੹ച ખ ߉ই઻
                                               ?   प਷ ખ Ӓې  ղо ަ ખ ೞҊ ੓঻Ѣٚ
             I’m in the bathroom.
                    for me.                     Actually, no. I was in the middle
                                                of something.

          009                                010
              ߑӘ ց൞ ૘ ୡੋઙ ਎ܽ Ѣ ݏ૑               ց ੑ੉ ӈী Ѧ۷֎  ޖट જ਷ ੌ ੓פ
             Was that your doorbell ringing     You’re grinning from ear to ear.
             just now?                          What’s the good news?
               ਽  ೖ੗ ߓ׳ ৳ա ࠁ׮  ղо ੉ٮ ੹ചೡѱ      ?   ց ா੉౟ ঌ૑  џ ੹ചߣഐܳ ٵয
             Oh, yes. That must be the pizza    You know Kate, right?

          011                                012
              ղ ੹ചܳ ৵ Ր঻য                        ৵ ҅ࣘ ղ ੹ച উ ߉ই

              ইפঠ  য়೧ঠ  ੿੹੉ ع঻য                 ޷উ೧  ־о ղ झ݃౟ಪਸ ശ୛щ૑ ޤঠ
             No, you’ve got it wrong. I had a   Sorry. Someone stole my
             blackout.                          smartphone.

                                blackout  ੿੹

            Answer    007  Answer the phone ੹ച ખ ߉ই઻    008  Is this a good time for you? ૑Ә ాച ҡଳই     009  I’ll call
            you back. ղо ੉ٮ ੹ചೡѱ     010  I got her number. џ ੹ചߣഐܳ ٵয     011  Why did you hang up on me? ղ ੹
            ചܳ ৵ Ր঻য     012  Why are you ignoring my calls? ৵ ҅ࣘ ղ ੹ച উ ߉ই
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