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01 _  4.mp3
            Test 04        ੉۠ ݈  ৔য۽ যڌѱ ೡөਃ                      ઁೠदр

           019   ࣻन ޙઁ۽ ೩٘ಪ੉ ݡాੌ ٸ            020   ੹ച ࣘ ࢚؀ߑ ݾܻࣗо Րӡ ٸ
             ೩٘ಪ੉ উ ఠ૑֎                          ੗Բ Րӝ֎                           DAY 1

              a  The phone is quiet.             a  You’re breaking off.          Ü
              b  The phone makes no noise.       b  You’re breaking down.         ੹ച োѾ
              c  I’m getting no service.         c  You’re breaking up.

           021   ੹ചӝীࢲ r૑૒s ೞח ܻࣗо ٜܾ ٸ       022   ࢚؀ߑ ܻࣗо ੜ উ ٜܾ ٸ
             ੟਺੉ ٜ۰                              ੜ উ ٜ۰

              a  I’m getting rumours.            a  I’m losing you.
              b  I’m getting static.             b  I’m missing you.
              c  I’m getting ghosts.             c  I’m breaking you.

           023   ాച ਺૕੉ ӭՔೡ ٸ                 024   ాച઺ী ц੗ӝ োѾ੉ Ր҂ਸ ٸ
             োѾ ࢚కо જই                           ੹ചо Րѹ ߡ۷য

              a  I’m getting good waves.         a  The line went dead.
              b  I’m getting in good condition.  b  The line has been chewed.
              c  I’m getting good reception.     c  The phone is damaged.

             Answer    019   c  ੹ചোѾ ࢲ࠺झ Ü service    020   c   ೩٘ಪ੄ ాചо  Րӝ׮ Ü break up    021   b   ࣻनӝ੄  ੟਺ Ü static
             022   a   ݈ਸ  ঌইٛ૑ ޅೞ׮  উ ٜܻ׮ Ü lose    023   c   భۨ࠺੹h੹ച ١੄  োѾ ࢚క  ࣻन ࢚క Ü reception    024   a  ੹ച
             ࢶ Ü line ₀ ੹ച नഐо Րӝ׮ Ü go dead
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