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P. 12
01 _ 4.mp3
Test 04 ۠ ݈ য۽ যڌѱ ೡөਃ ઁೠदр
019 ࣻन ޙઁ۽ ೩٘ಪ ݡాੌ ٸ 020 ച ࣘ ࢚ߑ ݾܻࣗо Րӡ ٸ
೩٘ಪ উ ఠ֎ Բ Րӝ֎ DAY 1
a The phone is quiet. a You’re breaking off. Ü
b The phone makes no noise. b You’re breaking down. ച োѾ
c I’m getting no service. c You’re breaking up.
021 ചӝীࢲ rs ೞח ܻࣗо ٜܾ ٸ 022 ࢚ߑ ܻࣗо ੜ উ ٜܾ ٸ
ٜ۰ ੜ উ ٜ۰
a I’m getting rumours. a I’m losing you.
b I’m getting static. b I’m missing you.
c I’m getting ghosts. c I’m breaking you.
023 ాച ӭՔೡ ٸ 024 ాചী цӝ োѾ Ր҂ਸ ٸ
োѾ ࢚కо જই ചо Րѹ ߡ۷য
a I’m getting good waves. a The line went dead.
b I’m getting in good condition. b The line has been chewed.
c I’m getting good reception. c The phone is damaged.
Answer 019 c ചোѾ ࢲ࠺झ Ü service 020 c ೩٘ಪ ాചо Րӝ Ü break up 021 b ࣻनӝ Ü static
022 a ݈ਸ ঌইٛ ޅೞ উ ٜܻ Ü lose 023 c భۨ࠺hച ١ োѾ ࢚క ࣻन ࢚క Ü reception 024 a ച
ࢶ Ü line ₀ ച नഐо Րӝ Ü go dead