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Topic 4      It is okay to spend more time at work than with family.

                        ·. People need secure financial resources to support their family.
                  Pro   ·. People tend to feel more accomplished from their occupation
                         than their family relationship.

                        ·. Kids need parents when they grow up.
                        ·. Money and fame don’t always make you happy.

             EXPRESSIONS  secure উ੹ೠ  financial source ੤੿੸ ૑ਗ  support family о઒ਸ ࠗনೞ׮  tend to _ೞח ҃ೱ੉ ੓׮
             accomplished ࢿҕೠ  occupation ૒স  grow up ੗ۄ׮  fame ݺࢿ

                Topic 5      It is worthy to host world sporting events.

                        ·. It helps to boost the host country’s economy.
                        ·. The host country can promote its positive images to the world.

                        ·. It costs so much.
                        ·. Many facilities are not used properly after the sporting events.

             EXPRESSIONS  worthy о஖о ੓ח  host ѐ୭ೞ׮  world sporting events  ৢܿ೗  ਘ٘஺ ١੄  झನஎ ೯ࢎ  boost ୢ૓ೞ׮  economy
             ҃ઁ  promote ഘࠁೞ׮  positive ӛ੿੸ੋ  cost ࠺ਊ੉ ٜ׮  facility दࢸ  properly ઁ؀۽

                Topic 6      People should get married to be happy.

                        ·.People can live a stable life through marriage.
                        ·.There is a tax advantage to being married.

                        ·.There are so many unhappy marriages.
                        ·.Marriage is one of many choices people make during their lives.

             EXPRESSIONS  get married Ѿഒೞ׮  stable উ੿ػ  tax advantage ࣁӘ ഌఖ  choice ࢶఖ

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