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「엄마표 세마디 생활영어」 한눈에 보기!

            01  Getting Up 일어나기                                          Here is a towel. 수건 여기 있어.

                                                                         Thanks. 고마워요.
               Time to wake up. 일어날 시간이야.

               Okay, Mom. 네, 엄마.                                         Did you turn off the water? 물 잠갔어?
                                                                         Yes, I turned it off. 네, 잠갔어요.

               Did you sleep well? 잘 잤니?
               Yes, I did. 네, 잘 잤어요.                                  03  Brushing Your Teeth 이 닦기

               You’re late. Get up. 늦었어. 일어나.                            Brush your teeth. 이 닦아라.

               I want to sleep more. 더 잘래요.                              I don’t want to. 이 닦기 싫어요.

               I had a scary dream. 무서운 꿈을 꿨어요.                           Here are your toothbrush and toothpaste.

               What did you dream about? 무슨 꿈 꿨는데?                       칫솔하고 치약 여기 있어.
                                                                         Squeeze the toothpaste for me. 치약 좀 짜 주세요.

            02  Washing Up 세수하기
                                                                         Be sure to brush everywhere. 구석구석 닦아.
                  Let’s wash up. Roll up your sleeves.                   Okay, I will. 네, 그럴게요.

               세수하자. 소매 걷어야지.

               Okay. 네.                                                  Don’t swallow your toothpaste. 치약 삼키면 안 돼.
                                                                         It tastes bad. 매워요.
               Don’t get wet. 젖지 않게 해.

               Okay, I’ll be careful. 네, 조심할게요.                          Rinse your mouth. 입을 헹궈.

                                                                         Give me water. 물 주세요.
               Wash with the soap. 비누로 씻어야지.
               No problem. 그럴게요.                                         I’m done brushing. 다 닦았어요.

                                                                         Good girl! 잘했어!
               Close your eyes tightly. 눈 꼭 감아.

               My eyes sting! 눈이 따가워요!                                04  Getting Dressed 1 옷 입기 1

               I got soap in my eyes. 비누가 눈에 들어갔어요.                      Let’s get dressed. 옷 입자.
               Rinse them with water. 물로 헹궈.                             Please give me my clothes. 제 옷 좀 주세요.

               Wash your neck, too. 목도 씻어야지.                             What are you going to wear? 무슨 옷 입을 거야?
               Sure. 알겠어요.                                               I’m going to wear this T-shirt. 이 티셔츠 입을래요.


                                                                                                                        2020. 4. 14.   오후 2:38
     4엄마표세마디영어_한눈에보기(1).indd   88
     4엄마표세마디영어_한눈에보기(1).indd   88                                                                      2020. 4. 14.   오후 2:38
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