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            1"35   ǟ ׮਺ ޙ੢ਸ ੍Ҋ ࠼஢ী ঌݏ਷ ׹ਸ Ҋܰࣁਃ

            1.  Some of the reports you submitted        6.  Although professional photographers
               ------- incomplete and require your          usually work by themselves, yearly
               signature.                                   themed photo exhibitions provide a
                                                            chance for them to collaborate with -------.
               (A) is
               (B) are                                      (A) much
               (C) being                                    (B) this
               (D) been                                     (C) the same
                                                            (D) one another
            2.  Your inquiries have been ------- to Tom
               Hiddleston, who is in charge of           7.  Due to rising demand, wages in the food
               customer relations.                          service industry have ------- increased in
                                                            recent months.
               (A) sends
               (B) send                                     (A) extremely
               (C) sent                                     (B) very
               (D) sending                                  (C) markedly
                                                            (D) desperately
            3.  The researcher ------- two company
               directors his report to show them why     8.  The Kruger Corporation’s annual report
               the product design was defective.            ------- that the amount of its imports
                                                            from Russia had risen by 5 percent as
               (A) suggested
                                                            compared with the previous year.
               (B) explained
               (C) opposed                                  (A) designated
               (D) gave                                     (B) transferred
                                                            (C) indicated
            4.  Every Friday, Ronald Steele hosts the       (D) advised
               radio program With You and invites
               some of the world’s most -------          9.  The Human Resources Department
               politicians to come on the air.              announced that Ms. Vieri ------- her new
                                                            job as an assistant director on Friday,
               (A) accomplished
                                                            July 14.
               (B) remaining
               (C) conditional                              (A) has been starting
               (D) sufficient                               (B) will be starting
                                                            (C) is started
            5.  Mr. Vasquez will open Pierce Mobile         (D) is being started
               Phone’s production branch ------- it is
               fully prepared.                           10.  Your responses to the survey are
                                                            essential for improving our products and
               (A) as well as
                                                            will assist us in serving you much -------.
               (B) thanks to
               (C) due to                                   (A) efficiently
               (D) as soon as                               (B) efficient
                                                            (C) more efficiently
                                                            (D) most efficiently

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