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145  The purpose of my presentation is to ~.            188
                                ઁ ೐ۨઃప੉࣌੄ ݾ੸਷ _ೞח Ѫੑפ׮
                           146  My presentation is broken down into ~.             189
                                ઁ ೐ۨઃప੉࣌਷ _۽ ա׎פ׮
                           147  You can ask me questions ~.  _ ૕ޙೞदݶ ؾפ׮           190
                           148  The presentation will take ~.  ೐ۨઃప੉࣌਷ _ Ѧ݀פ׮      191

              Unit 18      ೐ۨઃప੉࣌ ੹ѐೞӝ

                           149  Let me start my presentation (with/by ~).          193
                                 _ਵ۽ _ೞݴ  ೐ۨઃప੉࣌ਸ द੘ೞѷणפ׮
                           150  Have you ever wondered ~?  _੉ ҾӘೞ࣑؍ ੸੉ ੓णפө        194
                           151  Think for a moment about ~.  _ী ؀೧ ਫ਼द ࢤп೧ ࠁभदয়     195
                           152  Let’s turn to ~.  _۽ ֈযцद׮                         196
                           153  It’s time to think about ~.  _ী ؀೧ ࢤп೧ ࠅ ٸੑפ׮      197
                           154  I’d like to emphasize ~.  _ਸ ъઑೞҊ रणפ׮             198
                           155  I strongly recommend ~.  _ਸ ъ۱൤ ӂ೤פ׮               199
                           156  According to ~,  _ী ٮܰݶ                            200
                           157  Please take a look at ~.  _ਸ ࠊ ઱भदয়                201
                           158  ~ show(s) ....  _਷ jਸ ࠁৈ સפ׮                       202
                           159  At any rate, ~  য૰ٚ                                203
                           160  In comparison with ~,  _৬ ࠺Үೡ ٸ                    204

              Unit 19      ਃড ߂ ݃ޖܻೞӝ

                           161  Let me sum up ~.  _ਸ ਃড೧ ܻ٘ѷणפ׮                    206
                           162  In conclusion,  Ѿۿ੸ਵ۽                              207
                           163  Does anybody have any questions (on ~)?            208
                                 _ী ؀೧  ૕ޙ ੓ח ࠙ ੓णפө
                           164  I really appreciate ~.  _ী ؀೧ ੿݈ хࢎ٘݀פ׮            209
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