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083  We need to discuss ~ in detail.                     117
                                   _ী ؀೧ ҳ୓੸ਵ۽ ֤੄ೡ ೙ਃо ੓যਃ
                             084  Let’s review ~.  _ਸ Ѩష೤द׮                           118
                             085  The first issue we’ll discuss is ~.  ୐ ߣ૩۽ ֤੄ೡ ࢎউ਷ _ੑפ׮      119
                             086  We are interested in ~.  ੷൞ח _ী ҙब੉ ੓णפ׮            120
                             087  We should resolve ~.   _ਸ ೧Ѿ೧ঠ ೤פ׮                  121
                             088  What matters most is ~.  о੢ ઺ਃೠ Ѫ਷ _ੑפ׮             122
                             089  Our proposal is to ~.  ੷൞੄ ઁউ਷ _ೞ੗ח Ѫੑפ׮            123
                             090  How about ~?  _ೞח Ѫ੉ যڄөਃ                           124

                 Unit 11      ࠄѺ੸ਵ۽ ഈ࢚ೞӝ

                             091  We should reduce the price (by/to ~).               126
                                   оѺਸ  _݅ఀ _۽  ղ۰ঠ ೤פ׮
                             092  ~ is[are] not acceptable.  _਷ ߉ইٜੌ ࣻ হणפ׮           127
                             093  ~ is a low priority.  _਷ ઺ਃೞ૑ ঋणפ׮                  128
                             094  Considering ~,  _ਸ Ҋ۰ೞݶ                             129
                             095  We’re willing to ~.  ਋ܻח _ೡ ੄ೱ੉ ੓णפ׮                130
                             096  We’re not willing to ~.  ਋ܻח _ೡ ੄ೱ੉ হणפ׮            131
                             097  Let me clarify ~.  _ਸ ࠙ݺ൤ ೞѷणפ׮                     132
                             098  I’d be willing to comply if you can ~.              133
                                   _ೡ ࣻ ੓׮ݶ ٮܳ ੄ೱ੉ ੓णפ׮
                             099  I can go along with ~.  _ী ز੄೤פ׮                    134
                             100  Could you expand on ~?  _ਸ ખ ؊ ੗ࣁ൤ ࢸݺ೧ ઱दѷযਃ        135
                             101  I understand where you’re coming from. But ~.       136
                                   ׼न੄ ੑ੢਷ ੉೧೤פ׮݅ _
                             102  The way I look at it is, ~  ઁо ࠁӝীח                 137
                             103  I’m receptive to ~.  _ਸ ജ৔೤פ׮                       138
                             104  The major obstacle seems to be ~.  ௾ ੢গ ਃੋ਷ _ੋ Ѫ эणפ׮   139
                             105  ~ is not entirely our fault.  _਷ ੷൞ ੜޅ݅਷ ইתפ׮       140
                             106  The bottom line is ~.  Ѿۿ਷ _ੑפ׮                     141
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