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P. 20

ℇ   I like music and
                                                    listening to music is that it is relaxing.
                                 ੷ח ਺ঈਸ જইೞחؘ  ਺ঈਸ ٛח Ѫ੄ ઁੌ ௾ ੢੼ ઺੄ ೞաח ಞউ೧૓׮ח ѩפ׮

                              ℈   There are so many                 swimming, but
                                                                       is that it can help
                                 improve your lung capacity.
                                 ࣻ৔਷ ੢੼੉ ই઱ ݆૑݅  ઁੌ ௾ ੢੼ ઺੄ ೞաח ತഝ۝ਸ ֫੉ח ؘ ب਑ਸ ઴ ࣻ ੓׮ח Ѣભ
                              ℉   It’s good to have your own hobby and

                                           is that it can enrich your life. ੗ӝ݅੄ ஂ޷ܳ о૑ݶ જ਷ؘ  ஂ޷ܳ
                                 ыח о੢ ௾ ੢੼ ઺੄ ೞաח ࢕ਸ ೂਃ܂ѱ ٜ݅য઴ ࣻ ੓׮ח Ѣ৘ਃ

                                  3   ~ takes away the risks of …

                                                                      _ח j੄ ਤ೷ਸ হগળ׮

                              যڃ ਤ೷ࢿ ೞաܳ ૑੸೧ࢲ оܻఆ ٸ ࡐҊח ࠁా riskо ইצ risksۄҊ ೤
                              פ׮  takes awayח ো਺غয  <ప㧢ॄਝ੉>୊ۢ ٜܻҊ risks ofب ো਺غয
                              <ܡझ௼ॄŷ>৬ э੉ ٜ݀פ׮

                              ℆   It                                    of being robbed.
                                 ӒѪ੉ بقݏਸ ਤ೷ਸ হগસפ׮
                              ℇ   Put the leftovers in the fridge and
             rob ശ஖׮                                          getting contaminated.
             leftover ଧԁӝ
             թ਷ ਺ध               թ਷ ਺धਸ պ੢Ҋী ֍ਵݶ য়৏ؼ ਤ೷੉ ࢎۄ૑ભ
             য়৏दః׮            ℈   This special non-slip pad
                                           slipping and falling.
           * ੿׹ *
                                 ੉ ౠࣻೠ ޷Սۢߑ૑ ಁ٘о ޷Ս۞ઉ ֈয૕ ਤ೷ࢿਸ হগસפ׮
           ℆   takes away the risks
           ℇ  it takes away the risks   ℉   I think your careful behavior
           ℈  takes away the risks of
           ℉  takes away the risks of
             making mistakes     ֎ ઑबࢿ ੓ח ೯ز੉ पࣻೡ ਤ೷ࢿਸ হগ઱ח Ѫ эই

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