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             ೨ब ҳޙ ٛӝ
                                 1   signal the end of ~           _੄ ઙ݈ਸ ঌܻ׮  ৘Ҋೞ׮
            ҳޙਸ ഛपೞѱ ੉೧
            ೠ റ  য়٣য় ౵ੌਸ
            ٜਵݶࢲ ࠼஢ਸ ଻਋
                             signal਷ ݺࢎ۽ח rनഐsۄח ڷ੉Ҋ  زࢎ۽ח r _ۄח Ѫਸ  ঌܻ׮sۄח ੄޷
                             ੑפ׮  ৈӝࢲח ٍী the endۄח ݾ੸যо ੓যࢲ زࢎ۽ ॳ৓׮ח Ѫਸ ঌ
                             ࣻ ੓णפ׮  signal੄ si ࠗ࠙ী ъࣁܳ فয ߊ਺ؾפ׮  theח ٍী য়ח ୐
                             ܻࣗо ݽ਺੉ۄࢲ <؊>о ইצ <٣>ۄҊ ডೞѱ ٜܻભ  end ofח ো਺غয <ূ
                             ؊ŷ>৬ э੉ ߊ਺ؾפ׮

                             ℆   Smart phones signaled                         feature

           feature phone ೖ୊ಪ    phones. झ݃౟ಪ੉ ೖ୊ಪ੄ ઙ݈ਸ ঌ۷׮
            झ݃౟ಪࠁ׮ ࢿמ੉ ծҊ
           ࢚؀੸ਵ۽ оѺ੉ ծ਷ ോ    ℇ   The invention of TV seemed to
           ؀ ੹ച
           break one’s heart             the radio. 57 ߊݺ੉ ۄ٣য়੄ ઙ݈ਸ ঌܻח ٠೮׮
           ݃਺ਸ ই೐ѱ ೞ׮
           proposal ઁউ  ߨউ   ℈   It hasn’t
                                         yet even though it might have broken your heart.
          * ੿׹ *
                                ֎ѱ ࢚୊о غ঻ਸ૑ ݽܰ૑݅ ਋ܻ ҙ҅о ՘լ׮ח Ѫ਷ ইפঠ
          ℆ the end of
          ℇ signal the end of
                             ℉   The new proposal has
          ℈  signaled the end of our
           relationship                                     that have caused so many problems.
          ℉  signaled the end of the
           serious crimes       ࢜ ߨউ੉ ই઱ ݆਷ ޙઁܳ ੌਵఃח ъ۱ ߧદٜ੄ ઙ݈ਸ ঌ۷׮

                                 2   One of the biggest advantages of ~
                                                                  _੄ о੢ ௾ ੢੼ ઺੄ ೞաח

           relaxing ಞউೠ
           improve ೱ࢚दః׮     ੢੼੉ ৈ۞ ѐ ੓חؘ Ӓ ઺ о੢ ௾ Ѫਸ ঌ۰઴ ٸ ॳח ಴അੑפ׮  One of
           lung capacity ತഝ۝
           enrich ೂਃ܂ѱ ೞ׮    ח ো਺غҊ theо ডೞѱ ੉য૑ݴ <ਕցŷ؊>৬ э੉ ߊ਺غҊ  biggestী ъ
                             ࣁܳ فয ߊ਺ ػ ׮਺ী ٍী ੉য૑ח advantages of৬ લ ੉যઉࢲ <࠺ӝझ
          * ੿׹ *
                             ఠ٘ߓפ઻ŷ>৬ э੉ ߊ਺ؾפ׮
          ℆   One of the biggest
          ℇ  one of the biggest
           advantages of     ℆                                                 of this device
          ℈  advantages of / one of
           the biggest advantages  is that it’s strong. ੉ ӝҳ੄ о੢ ௾ ੢੼ ઺੄ ೞաח ౡౡೞ׮ח ѩפ׮
          ℉  one of the biggest
           advantages of having a

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