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ACTUARY      Today I can hunt for tax exemptions. I’m gonna be an

                   YOUNG JUDY    And I can make the world a better place! I am going to be...

                             Judy tears off her muumuu, revealing a POLICE OFFICER
                             UNIFORM. Catmull plays a 70s-style cop show theme on the
                             boom box.

                   YOUNG JUDY    A police officer!

                             A mean, nasty fox kid, GIDEON GREY, snickers. He’s sitting next
                             to a WEASEL KID.

                   YOUNG       Bunny cop. That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard.

                   YOUNG JUDY    It may seem impossible to small minds– (points at Gideon) I’m
                             looking at you, Gideon Grey.

                             A bright city skyline backdrop shows.

                   YOUNG JUDY    But just 211 miles away stands the great city of Zootopia!

                             Where our ancestors first joined together in peace. And
                             declared that Anyone Can Be Anything! Thank you and
                             good night!

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