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The great Greek philosopher and polymath   ਤ؀ೠ Ӓܻझ ୍೟੗੉੗ ݅ޛ߅ࢎ৓؍
            Aristotle was only somewhat less dismissive,   ইܻझషభۨझח ֱܳ Ӓ۠؀۽ ઺ਃೞѱ
            believing that the brain serves to cool the   ࢤпೞݴ, ֱо ೖܳ ध൤ח ৉ೡਸ ೠ׮Ҋ
            blood; he believed that the heart was the seat
            of intelligence and emotion—a misconception   ޺঻׮. ইܻझషభۨझח ब੢੉ ૑מҗ
            that has symbolically persisted in imagery of   хࢿ੄ Ӕਗ૑ۄ ࢤп೮׮. ੉۠ ੜޅػ
            love and affection (try escaping it on February   ࢤп੉ ब੢ਸ ࢎیҗ গ੿੄ ࢚૚੸
            14).                               ૚಴۽ ࢖ח ؀઺ޙചীࢲ Տ૕ӝѱ
            –  Top Brain, Bottom Brain, Stephen Michael   ࢓ইթই ੓׮. ੉ ଼ਸ ੍ח ࢎۈ੉ۄب
                                               2ਘ 14ੌ, ߖ۠ఋੋؘ੉ী ੉۠ ੜޅػ
                                               ࢤпীࢲ ߩযա ࠁۄ.
                                               –   ~ֱ࢚, ೞֱ, झప౸ ݃੉௿ ௏ठܽ

                     ੉ ৘ޙীࢲ (try escaping it on February 14)ח Қഐо ইפ
                     ۄ, Try escaping it on February 14.ۄח ة݀੺۽ ॳৈب ׳
                     ۄ૑ח Ѫ਷ হणפ׮. ਃஶ؀ Қഐо ݃ஜ಴۽ ॳৈب ػ׮
                     ח ڷੑפ׮.

                     ೠಞ ா੐࠳ܻ૑ ࢎ੹ীࢲ ઁҕೞח ޙߨী ٮܰݶ, ৔যীࢲ
                     о੢ ੗઱ ॳ੉ח ޙ੢ ࠗഐ۽ח ؀ޙ੗৬ ݃ஜ಴, ޛ਺಴৬
                     ו՝಴, ٮ১಴, ӒܻҊ ओ಴৬ ࣁ޷௒ۿҗ ௒ۿ੉ ੓णפ׮.
                        ݃ஜ಴, ޛ਺಴, ו՝಴ח rޙ੢੄ ઙѾsਸ ڷೠ׮ח ҕా
                     ੼ਸ ыणפ׮.  ੉ ࠗഐٜ਷ ਋ܻ݈ী ࢚਽ೞח ࠗഐٜҗ ॳ
                     ੐࢜о ׮ܳ ߄о হਵ޲۽ ࣁ ࠗഐী ؀೧ࢲח ੽যفҊ ओ
                     ಴ী ؀೧ ࢓ಝࠁӝ۽ ೤द׮. ओ಴ח ੉ܴীࢲ ૗੘غ٠੉
                     ओ੉ ೙ਃೠ Ҕী ॳੑפ׮. Ӓؘ۠ ঱ઁ एח Ѫੌөਃ? Ӗ
                     ਸ ܻࣗ۽ ಴അೡ ٸ एח Ҕ੉ݴ, Ӗীࢲח ױয৬ ҳ੺ ١ਸ
                     ܻ࠙ೡ ٸ ॳ੉ח ࠗഐੑפ׮.

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