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Unit01                                             Step 3   대화문 받아쓰기                      p. 12

                                                                  ➊  Q: What do living things need to survive?
                 Living Things                                       A: They need food, water, and air to survive.

                                                                  ➋  Q:  What do plants use to make their own
                                                                     A:  Plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide,
                                                                        minerals, and water.
                 Step 1   단어 받아쓰기                       p. 10     ➌  Q: Where do plants grow?

                                                                     A:  Plants grow where they get what they need
               ➊ solar               태양의                                to survive.
               ➋ metabolism          신진대사                         ➍  Q: Why do animals eat other living things?
               ➌ space               공간, 우주                          A:  Because they do not make their own food
               ➍ own                 자기 자신의, 고유의                        by themselves.
               ➎ exist               존재하다
               ➏ energy              에너지, 기운
                                                                    대화문 받아쓰기 해석
               ➐ nutrient            영양분; 영양이 되는
               ➑ survive             살아남다, 견디다                    ➊  Q: 생물은 생존하기 위해서 무엇이 필요한가요?
               ➒ undergo             ~를 경험하다, 겪다                     A :    그것들은 생존하기 위해서 먹이와 물, 그리고 공기를 필
               ➓ mineral             광물, 무기물                            요로 합니다.
                                                                  ➋  Q:   식물은 스스로 먹이를 만들기 위해서 무엇을 이용하나요?
                                                                     A :    식물은 빛과 이산화탄소, 무기물, 그리고 물을 이용합니다.
                 Step 2   문장 받아쓰기                       p. 11     ➌  Q: 식물들은 어디에서 자라나요?
                                                                     A :   식물은 생존하기 위해 필요한 것을 구할 수 있는 곳에서
                1단계  느린 속도로 듣고 받아쓰기                                     자랍니다.
                                                                  ➍  Q:   동물들은 왜 다른 생물들을 먹나요?
               ➊   Animals usually eat other living things to get
                                                                     A :   그것들은 스스로 먹이를 만들어 내지 못하기 때문입니다.
                  energy to live.
               ➋   Plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, minerals,
                  and water to make their own food.
               ➌   Without energy from the sun, no life would       Step 4   교과서 받아쓰기                      p. 13
                                                                  Living Things
               ➍   Living things grow and change with the help of
                                                                  Plants and animals are living things. Living things
                  solar energy.
                                                                  grow and change with the help of solar energy.
                                                                  Without energy from the sun, no life would exist.
                2단계  정상 속도로 듣고 받아쓰기                               Living things need food, water, and air to survive;
               ➊   Plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, minerals,   they undergo metabolism.
                  and water to make their own food.               Plants need air, water, nutrients, sunlight, and
               ➋   Living things grow and change with the help of   space to grow. Plants grow where they get what
                  solar energy.                                   they need to survive, and they make new plants like
               ➌   Animals usually eat other living things to get   themselves. Plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide,
                  energy to live.                                 minerals, and water to make their own food.
               ➍   Without energy from the sun, no life would     Animals usually eat other living things (animals,
                  exist.                                          plants, etc.) to get energy to live. They do not make
                                                                  their own food by themselves.


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     미국교과서 리스닝 with DICTATION Level 3_정답.indd   1                                                          2020-09-14   오후 10:03:29
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