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잘 듣고 대화를 완성한 후, 본책으로 돌아가서 정답을 확인해 보세요.

                            Scene 1

                         Actuary Jaguar   I don’t                 to be a lonely                 anymore.

                                          Today I can hunt for tax exemptions.

                                          I’m gonna be an actuary!

                         Young Hopps      And I can make the                     a better place!

                                          I am                 to be a                                 !

                         Gideon Grey      Bunny cop. That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard.

                            Scene 2

                         Gideon Grey      That                 instinct is still in our Dunnahh.

                         Travis             I’m               much                  it’s pronounced


                         Gideon Grey      Don’t tell me what I                 , Travis.

                         Young Hopps      You don’t scare me, Gideon.

                         Gideon Grey      You                    now?


          주토피아_워크북_정답_최종_0806.indd   2                                                                             2020. 8. 6.   오후 5:30
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