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25     Getting Ready to Go Out                                              나들이 준비

                                                                                              챈트 25.mp3  대화 25.mp3
           오늘은 즐거운 주말! 야외 나들이 갈 준비를 해 볼까요?

             What should we bring?                                     Bring water and wipes.
                                                                       Bring water and wipes.
             What should we bring?
             뭘 가져갈까?                                                   물이랑 물티슈 갖고와.

                                                                                                    Okay, I’ll get them., I’ll get them.
          A mat and hats.                                                                           Okay
          A mat and hats.
          돗자리랑 모자요.                                                                                 네, 제가 챙길게요.
                                                                      wipe 물티슈

                                                                                          Is your phone charged?
             Put the tissue in your bag.                                                  Is your phone charged?
             Put the tissue in your bag.
             가방에 휴지 넣어.                                                                   휴대폰 충전했니?

                                                I already did.                I’ll check it now..
                                                                              I’ll check it now
                                                I already did.
                                                이미 넣었죠.                       지금 확인할게요.
                                                                      charge 충전하다

                                                                                                                        2020. 4. 14.   오후 2:29
     3엄마표세마디영어_본문(사교).indd   54                                                                         2020. 4. 14.   오후 2:29
     3엄마표세마디영어_본문(사교).indd   54
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