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Review Test                                       Review Test (Unit 1~5)

              Unit 1.  B. Wake up! / I’m awake.                 A   1. sleep

              Unit 2.  B. I’m okay. / Thank goodness!              2. hurt
                                                                   3. kidding
              Unit 3.  B.  Let’s play soccer. / Are you kidding me?
                       It’s raining outside.                       4. much
                                                                   5. lost
              Unit 4.  B. Everything will be all right. / Thank you.
              Unit 5.  B.  Can you please help me? / Of course.
                       What is it?
                                                                B   1. Go play by yourself.
              Unit 6.  B. Watch out! / I’m sorry.                  2. Are you sure?

              Unit 7.  B.  I made this snowman by myself! / Good      3. I’ve always wanted a nose.
                       job!                                        4. Everything will be all right.
              Unit 8.  B. I have something to ask you. / What is it?     5. Can you please help me?

              Unit 9.  B.  Have you ever been to New York? / No.
                       Have you?
              Unit 10.  B. What are you doing? / I’m trying to fly.                1 s
              Unit 11.  B. Are you OK? / Yes, I’m OK(fine).                        h
              Unit 12.  B. We made it! / Wow! Congratulations!
              Unit 13.  B. Get out of here! / Okay. I’m sorry.             2 s  l  e e p   4 y
              Unit 14.  B.  I can’t get up. / What are you talking         u          r    o
                       about?                                               r         i    u
                                                                   5 m a k e          n     r
              Unit 15.  B.  When will we leave? Nine o’clock or ten                   c    s       6 w
                       o’clock? / It doesn’t matter.                               7
                                                                                    r  e m e m b e    r
              Unit 16.  B.  Come and play with us. / Just leave me                    s     l      a
                       alone!                                                        8 s a  f  e    t
              Unit 17.  B.  What happened? / I dropped my phone in
                                                                                           9 w a k  e
              Unit 18.  B. Here you go. / Oh, what’s this?
              Unit 19.  B. Oh my goodness. There’s a snake! / What?
              Unit 20. B. I have no money. / Don’t worry. I’ll pay.
              Unit 21.  B.  What’s going on? / Somebody stole the
              Unit 22. B. Look at this! / Stop it! I’m studying!

              Unit 23. B.  Can we meet at seven? / Is it alright with
                       you? No problem.

              Unit 24. B.  I get it now. You like her, don’t you? / What
                       are you talking about?

              Unit 25. B. What’s wrong? / My bag is missing!


     대화문쓰기노트_본문_최종_1017.indd   118                                                                          2019. 10. 17.   오후 2:45
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