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To: Sam Rogan <>
From: Penny Ivans <>
Subject: Survey Results
Date: March 8
Dear Mr. Rogan,
Thank you for your assistance in distributing the survey on schedule. We were surprised at the
level of interest. Of the 1,480 surveys we distributed, 1,012 were returned. Based on the
overwhelmingly positive feedback we received, we would like to move forward with developing
a new location in your building with exercise equipment, classrooms, and locker rooms. Please
let me know when you are available to discuss the next steps.
Penny Ivans ▲
191. According to the notice, what is Defined 194. What is NOT indicated about
Fitness thinking about doing? Ms. Leopardi on the survey form?
(A) Purchasing a building (A) She works out on Saturdays.
(B) Hiring a surveying company (B) She volunteered her phone number.
(C) Relocating its business (C) She is not a Defined Fitness member.
(D) Renting an interior area (D) She likes to exercise in the evening. TEST 07
192. What is suggested about the Halcion 195. What is suggested about Ms. Leopardi?
Building? (A) She used to work for Ms. Ivans.
(A) Fewer than 1,500 people work there. (B) The services she requested are
(B) Its entire first floor is vacant. popular.
(C) Management will renovate it in March. (C) She intends to meet with Mr. Rogan.
(D) It has security officers in its lobby. (D) Her coworkers all want a new gym.
193. What is suggested about the survey?
(A) It was designed by Mr. Rogan.
(B) It was mailed directly to Ms. Ivans.
(C) It was sent out before February 15.
(D) It was conducted online.
TEST 07 205
시나공토익_실전파트7_문제_최종_0320.indd 205 2019-03-20 오후 2:56:07