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<시나공 토익 파트 7 실전문제집 시즌 2>는 신토익의 최신 경향을 완벽히 반영한 국내 유일의 파트 7 실전 전문 교재입
니다. YBM 어학원에서 전국 최다 수강생을 보유하고 있는 저자의 파트 7 핵심 노하우와 자료를 이 한 권의 책에 모두
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2 고난도 지문 ‘편지, 기사문 100 문제’ 추가 제공!
지문 유형 중 가장 어렵고 출제 빈도가 높은 ‘편지와 기사문’을 추가로 100문제 더 제공합니다. 해석이 쉽지 않아 파트
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기사문 이메일(편지)
Questions 62-64 refer to the following email. Questions 65-67 refer to the following email.
Questions 28-30 refer to the following article. Questions 31-33 refer to the following article.
Ojito Continues Expansion
Increase Worker Engagement
From: Sue Gilfillan <> From:
by Todd Rover
by Toni Moore
To: Frank Hendrix <> To:
Trident Systems Banquet
Subject: Notice to Vacate May 3, LOS ANGELES - Internet service and network provider Ojito Networking announced
A recent report by Sysotema Inc. found that only 30% of the nation’s workforce is engaged in that it has expanded its business into Colorado through an acquisition. The announcement
Monday, October 12
May 31
their work. The result is that companies are losing between $25 and $45 billion a year. came from a press release issued this morning.
Companies with engaged employees are more profitable, and have better safety records, ▲ ▲
Dear Mr. Hendrix,
Dear Mr. Nicholson,
lower rates of absenteeism, and higher customer satisfaction levels. So what can you do to San Diego-based Ojito acquired network assets from Denver-based Trifecta Solutions for $12.3
make workers at your company feel more engaged? million. This deal marks the company’s third acquisition this year and its eighth since it began
I want to send my sincerest thanks to you and your staff for making our awards banquet last
I am writing to formally give you 30-days’ notice of my intent to vacate my apartment, Unit
8A, at the Gloucester Arms. I have been offered a position in Seattle, Washington, and plan an aggressive expansion three years ago. event. This was my first time organizing the company’s annual
week such a memorable
to move on June 23. As per the lease, I will pay rent amounting to $650 for
As a manager, there are a few simple steps you can take to make workers more engaged in the entire celebration of its employee’s contributions. To put it simply, it was a daunting task. However, you
your company. First, create a sense of belonging. One effective way to do that is to listen to and your staff were generous with your time through the entire process.
month of June. The check is in the mail.
“The addition of these assets, which support the goals of our company, allows us to enhance
As per the instructions in my lease, I will leave the apartment in the condition
workers and to help them find solutions to their problems. Workers feel like they are a part of in which I our capacity while continuing to offer the same exceptional products and services,” said Valerie
I have been receiving compliments from employees throughout our company congratulating me
the company when they are actively working to solve problems rather than having decisions cleaned. If LePen, Ojito’s president and CEO, in the press release. “In addition, the new Colorado markets
found it. In addition, I will pay for the cost of having the carpet professionally
made for them. there are companies which you prefer to do the cleaning, I would appreciate it if you could on a job well done. Part of those congratulations deserves to be directed toward you and your
now add to the reach of our network, giving us access to nearly the entire western U.S.” Ojito
staff. Tina Reyes was magnificent in helping me to select a menu. I cannot count the number of
provide me with their contact information. networks serve customers in Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, everyone
comments I received on the appetizers, dinner entrées, and desserts. It seems that
Second, communicate a sense of purpose. Too often, workers lose sight of the company’s Washington, Oregon, and Wyoming.
loved her chocolate raspberry cake!
I would like to be present during the final inspection. If possible, can you schedule it as early
larger mission and instead focus on the details of everyday life. Your job is to help workers
as possible on the morning of my departure as I have a 9-hour drive to Seattle? Once the
understand the company’s larger goals and to see how everyone can help achieve those goals. Your technical support staff was responsive when one of our presenters stumbled about trying
inspection is complete, I will provide you with both sets of keys to the unit and the storage Founded in 1997 as a network solutions provider to corporate clients primarily in San Diego
to set up his laptop presentation software. Such mishaps are common with events such as this,
shed as well as the key to the mailbox. Should the apartment pass inspection, I would like and Los Angeles, the company has since expanded to provide Internet service to both corporate
Finally, ensure that everyone is committed to quality. Nothing is worse for morale than and retail customers. Ojito attempted to break into the Canadian market last December, but the
but your staff’s support and troubleshooting was exceptional.
my full security deposit sent to the following address: Sue Gilfillan, 398 East Pine Street,
working hard only to see coworkers who contribute little or nothing. So make sure deal to purchase Vancouver-based Cloud Solutions fell apart.
Seattle, WA 98174.
As soon as I have fixed a date, I will place a reservation to hold our event at the Chalfont Hotel
everyone is contributing. next year.
Thank you again for all of your assistance over the past three years, especially when you
repaired my leaking roof during that thunderstorm last summer. You have been a very Thank you again.
responsive and dedicated apartment manager.
28. Where can this article most likely be 30. What are managers NOT advised to do to 31. What is the main subject of the article? 33. What is stated about Ojito Networking in
the article?
(A) The history of a technology industry
found? Sue Gilfillan motivate their staff? Carolyn Rhoades
(B) The expansion of Internet service in a (A) It plans to reduce some of its product
(A) In a local newspaper (A) Listen to what workers are saying ▲ region offerings. ▲
(B) In an employee newsletter (B) Come up with simple solutions (C) The growth of a company through (B) It no longer does business
(C) In a magazine for supervisors (C) Communicate shared goals purchases internationally.
67. What is indicated about the event?
62. What is the purpose of the email?
64. What does Ms. Gilfillan ask Mr. Hendrix to
65. What is the purpose of the email?
(D) In a scholarly journal (D) Ensure all workers do their part (D) The challenges facing expanding (C) Its purchase will help give it more
(A) To announce a relocation do? network providers capabilities. (A) Mr. Nicholson served as the host of the
(A) To schedule an event
29. What did the Sysotema report indicate? (A) Permit her to end her lease early (B) To express gratitude (D) It began purchasing companies this
(B) To request a payment
(C) To extend a contract
(A) Companies are spending more money (B) Recommend a carpet cleaner 32. Where does Ojito NOT do business? year. (B) It was well liked by Ms. Rhoades’
(C) To inquire about a reservation
(D) To correct an error
to train workers. (C) Reschedule her inspection (A) Denver (D) To congratulate an organizer co-workers.
(B) Workers avoid coming to work when (D) Refund her deposit in cash (B) New Mexico (C) Ms. Rhoades had technical problems
63. When will Ms. Gilfillan and Mr. Hendrix
they dislike their bosses. (C) San Diego with her laptop.
66. Who most likely is Ms. Reyes?
most likely meet?
(C) Seventy percent of companies are (D) Vancouver (A) An assistant to Mr. Nicholson (D) It was held at the Chalfont Hotel on a
losing employees annually. (B) An employee given an award Monday night.
(A) May 31
(D) Companies with active workers make (C) A former banquet organizer
(B) June 1
more money. (D) A chef at the Chalfont Hotel
(C) June 23
30 Actual Test _ 15 Actual Test _ 31
3 패러프레이징 원리를 한눈에 정리할 수 있는
‘휴대용 패러프레이징 암기장’ 제공!
파트 7에서는 지문의 구문을 패러프레이징한 선지를 고르는 훈련이 상당히 중요합니다. 패러프레이징의 원리를 파악
할 수 있도록 따로 모아 정리한 암기장을 들고 다니면서 수시로 암기하세요.
시나공토익_파트7개정_부속_최종_0320.indd 4 2019-03-21 오전 10:40:14