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track 75

                  지문을 읽으면서 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 써 넣은 후, 음원을 따라 전체 지문을 낭독해 보세요.

                            The Use of Cell Phones in Class

                  Teacher:   Let’s                       an interesting

                               today. What do you                               of using cell

                               phones in class? Should students be allowed

                               to use cell phones in class?

                  Student 1:   I think schools should allow us to

                               them in class.

                                We can get                         texts in emergencies.

                                Additionally, we can simply take notes on our


                  Student 2:   I’m                    it. We can be told about

                               emergencies by teachers and school officials.

                                And we cannot                            in class while using

                               cell phones. They can distract other students.

                  Teacher:   Very good points. Let’s think

                               about this issue                         .

                             자, 이제는 선생님 도움 없이 스스로 큰 소리로 낭독해 보세요.
                             지금까지 열심히 연습했다면 충분히 잘할 수 있을 거예요.

            102  기적의 영어 낭독 Level 2

     기적의영어낭독(2권)_본문(11~)삼교.indd   102                                                                        2019. 4. 2.   오후 3:54
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