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109. Frank Mayfield was recognized as an 115. All of the city Health Department’s -------
exceptional employee ------- the have a minimum of five years of
company’s annual dinner. experience and a professional license. TEST 01
(A) with (A) inspectors
(B) during (B) inspect
(C) for (C) inspection
(D) on (D) inspecting
110. The lenses of Peak One sunglasses are 116. Technical-support representatives in the
------- to resist scratching and breaking. IT Department are required to ------- to
(A) extended a problem within 24 hours after it is
(B) provided reported.
(C) concerned (A) relate
(D) designed (B) advise
(C) respond
111. Each member of the team reviewed the (D) address
proposal and offered ------- criticism.
(A) constructs 117. The atmospheric temperature can be
(B) constructing measured ------- with our highly
(C) constructive sensitive instruments.
(D) construction (A) fairly
(B) publicly
112. Since an important decision must be (C) precisely
made -------, the committee will meet (D) extremely
right away in meeting room 101.
(A) prompt 118. Jennifer Singer plans to learn basic
(B) prompted computer programming skills by -------.
(C) prompting (A) her
(D) promptly (B) hers
(C) herself
113. The price of gasoline ------- to increase (D) she
by roughly 50% over the next two weeks
due to the oil shortage. 119. Before painting the metal’s surface, all
(A) is expected dirt and corrosion must be removed
(B) expects -------.
(C) expected (A) typically
(D) has expected (B) urgently
(C) profitably
114. Industrialist David Chu is known for (D) entirely
------- donating to local charities.
(A) generous
(B) generosity
(C) generously
(D) generousness
Test 01 19