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파트 5 문제 유형 | 단문 공란 채우기(30문제)
문장의 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 채우는 유형으로 크게 문법, 어형, 어휘를 물어보는 유형으로 나온다.
❶ 문법 문제 샘플
------- we need to do is contact our regular customers and let them know about the
new refund policy.
(A) When (B) Where (C) What (D) That
❷ 어형 문제 샘플
------- are the results of the latest residents’ survey on the proposed shopping mall
construction project.
(A) Enclose (B) Enclosed (C) Enclosure (D) Enclosing
❸ 어휘 문제 샘플
Bain Management Systems, one of the global management consulting firms, -------
new personnel polices on hiring last month.
(A) performed (B) implemented (C) achieved (D) convinced
시나공토익_RC_앞부속_최종_1119.indd 18 2018. 11. 19. 오후 3:28