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UNIT                       Let Me Introduce
                   1           My            Myself.               내 소개를 할게.


                                                                                      Saturday, March 17,

                        Dear Diary,

                        Nice to meet you, Diary!

                        My name is Julia, and I am 10 years old.

                        I live in Seoul, South Korea.

                        I go to Yangdo Elementary School.

                        I am in the fifth grade.

                        My hobby is reading comics.

                        I will tell you about my

                        everyday life.                                                         Hi!

                        See you again tomorrow!

                        .  줄리아의 자기 소개에는 어떤 내용이 있나요?

                        .  줄리아의 취미는 무엇인가요?

                           ●  Dear  ~에게         ●  Nice to meet you.  만나서 반가워.          ●  live  살다
                           ●  fifth  다섯 번째      ●  grade  학년                            ●  hobby  취미
                           ●  comics  만화책       ●  tell A about B  A에게 B에 대해 말하다        ●  tomorrow  내일


          기적의영어일기본문_작업(1)-4(그림).indd   14                                                                         2018. 11. 5.   오후 4:35
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