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Questions 158-160 refer to the following survey.

                                                Fast Co.
                                            )URQW 6WUHHW ‡ 0LGGOHEXUJ  )/

                      Please take some time to complete this survey to help us to improve our services.
                    We will offer you a $5.00 discount coupon as a token of our appreciation. Thank you.

                                                         1       2        3       4        5
              Overall satisfaction with our service
              Attentiveness and expertise of our staff
              Promptness of our service
              Prices of our service
                          1: Very Unsatisfactory     2: Unsatisfactory     3: Fair     4: Good     5: Excellent

             Date of Service:  March 21                             Technician:   Taylor Frado
             Customer Name:  Andrew Jefferson                Model:     Charger 7
             Service Address:  ELK Furniture                     Maker:   Propep
                             855 Albert Street
                             Fargo, FL 32159

             Customer Comments: My laptop abruptly broke down when I was working on a project on furniture
             designs. I was very frustrated because the project was due the next day. However, Mr. Frado visited
             my office and got my laptop fixed very quickly. I was able to finish the project in time thanks to him. I
             really appreciate the service I was given.

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