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Package              Cost             Departure     GATE      Destination

                        Red                $500               06:00        B1         Firenze
                        Blue               $400               07:00        A2         Venice

                       Green               $300               08:00        A13         Rome
                       Yellow              $200               09:00        B4         Napoli

            65. Why does the woman call the man?         68. What are the speakers discussing?
               (A) To call a meeting                        (A) An art museum
               (B) To request more information              (B) A sports stadium
               (C) To ask for a property report             (C) A convention
               (D) To find a telephone number               (D) A new customer

            66. What details does the man ask for?       69. Why can’t the man stay until the end of the
               (A) The number of clients
               (B) The date of a reservation                (A) He has an important meeting.
               (C) The destination of a delivery            (B) He wants to meet his parents.
               (D) The names of some employees              (C) He wants to schedule a business trip.
                                                            (D) He is about to go on vacation.
            67. Look at the graphic. How much will the
               woman likely pay?                         70. Look at the graphic. What is the man’s
               (A) $500
               (B) $400                                     (A) Firenze
               (C) $300                                     (B) Venice
               (D) $200                                     (C) Rome
                                                            (D) Napoli

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