Page 21 - 스피킹 매트릭스 직장인을 위한 1분 영어 말하기 - 미리보기
P. 21

Day 01    출퇴근 Commuting                                   ▶ p.181
                  I leave for work every morning at 8:30. I usually take the subway to work. Sometimes,
                  I commute by bus. My commute takes about 30 minutes. I have to be at the office by
                  9. This morning I was late for work. I might get off work late tonight. I don’t like to work
                  overtime. I get home very late when I work nights.

                   Day 02    나의 직장 My Job                                    ▶ p.185
                  I work at NS Motors. The company has over 100 employees. I joined the company last
                  year. I’m a sales representative. I have 5 years of experience in this field. I used to be
                  at AB Tech, where I worked for more than 5 years. My yearly salary is 40 million won. I
                  hope to get promoted soon.

                   Day 03    채용 담당 업무 Hiring                                 ▶ p.189
                  My company has decided to hire a new accountant. I am in charge of interviewing the
                  candidate. I received many applications for the job. Before interviewing each candidate,
                  I review their resumes. Today, two other interviewers and I interviewed many candidates.
                  One woman was very qualified for the position. I think we will offer her the position. I
                  hope she will join the firm.

                   Day 04    신제품 출시 1 Releasing a New Product 1              ▶ p.193
                  Our company set a goal this year. We released a new product. With this product, we
                  were hoping to increase our sales by 20%. Unfortunately, we failed to reach our goal.
                  It is difficult to make more people aware of our product. We need to come up with a
                  new idea. I think we lack experience and skills. Our company should do a better job to
                  promote our product. Maybe we need to seek someone new to help us.

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