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              2               Firefighting Equipment

              Fire! There is a big fire.

              Many firefighters prepare to put out the fire.

              First, they have to put on a lot of firefighting equipment.

              They have to put on uniforms.

              They have to put on gloves.

              They have to put on fire hats.

              They have to put on masks.

              Finally, they are ready to put out the fire.

            য়ט੄    They have to  .                               ܻ٬    1.  ૑ޙ ٛӝ
             ಁఢ                                                 о੉٘    2. ೠ ޙ੢ঀ ٮۄ ੍ӝ
                   rӒٜ਷ ž೧ঠ ೧ਃ sۄҊ ೧ࢳ೧ਃ                                3. झझ۽ ੍ӝ

           14  ӝ੸੄ ৔যܻ٬   ↟#PPL
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