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औ׮Ҋ ޖदೡ ࣻ হח r޷٘s ೨बಁఢ

              Unit 20      It’s

                           161  It’s like....  ӒѤ _৬ эই                            204
                           162  It sounds like....  ӒѤ _ۄח ݈ эই                    205
                           163  It tastes like....  ӒѤ _ э਷ ݍ੉ ա                   206
                           164  It’s clear to me you....  ղо ࠁӝী ք _ੋ ѱ ࠙ݺ೧        207
                           165  Maybe it’s just some sort of....  য૵ݶ ӒѤ ੌઙ੄ _ੌ ࡺੌ Ѣঠ    208
                           166  It’s hard to....  _ೞח Ѥ য۰ਕ                        209
                           167  It’s so much easier to....  _ೞח ѱ ഻ঁ ؊ एਕ          210
                           168  Maybe it’s not about....  য૵ݶ ӒѤ _৬ח ҙ҅হਸ૑ب ށۄ     211
                           169  It’s about how you....  ӒѤ ֎о _ೞח కبী ҙೠ Ѣঠ        212
                           170  It’s better for me to....  ղо _ೞח ѱ ؊ աই           213
                           171  It’s better than -ing.  Ӓѱ _ೞח Ѫࠁ׮ח ؊ աই           214
                           172  It’s the only way to....  _ೞ۰ݶ Ӓѱ ਬੌೠ ߑߨ੉ঠ         215
                           173  It’s not worth -ing (~) about....  jী ؀೧ࢲח _೧ ࠌ੗ঠ    216

              Unit 21      There’s

                           174  There is/are....  _੉ ੓য                            218
                           175  There’s a good chance (that)....  _ оמࢿ੉ ֫ই        219
                           176  There’s a way I can...?  ղо _ೡ ࣻ ੓ח ߑߨ੉ ੓פ         220
                           177  There’s something....  _ ޥоо ੓য                    221
                           178  There’s nothing....  _ ইޖѪب হয                     222
                           179  There’s no way....  _ ߑߨ਷ হয                       223
                           180  There’s a quicker way to....  ؊ ࡈܻ _ೡ ߑߨ੉ ੓য       224
                           181  There’s someone else who....  _ೠ ࢎۈ੉ ژ ੓য          225
                           182  There’s one thing you....  ֎о _ೡ ѱ ೠ о૑ ੓য         226
                           183  There’s a reason I....  ղо _ೞח ੉ਬо ੓য              227
                           184  Is there...?  _੉ ੓פ                                228
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