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PART 3                                                                                    TEST 01

             Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or three people. You will be asked to answer
             three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each
             question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be
             printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

          32. What did the woman do on her vacation?     38. Where does the woman most likely work?
             (A) She skied.                                 (A) At a hotel
             (B) She visited her family.                    (B) At a bank
             (C) She went fishing.                          (C) At a café
             (D) She golfed.                                (D) At a library

          33. What does the woman say about the place    39. Why is the man unavailable on Tuesday?
             she visited?                                   (A) He has to see a doctor.
             (A) It was very old.                           (B) He will be on vacation.
             (B) It was popular.                            (C) He has a family emergency.
             (C) It was hot.                                (D) He has a test.
             (D) It was cheap.
                                                         40. What does the woman ask the man to do?
          34. According to the man, what did the company    (A) Fill in an online form
             do recently?                                   (B) Have an interview
             (A) It moved into a new office complex.        (C) Update some information
             (B) It changed some policies.                  (D) Send her a photograph
             (C) It bought out some smaller companies.
             (D) It hired some new staff members.
                                                         41. What does the woman want to buy?
                                                            (A) An exercise outfit
          35. What does the woman ask the man for?          (B) A diet supplement
             (A) Funds for a business trip                  (C) A home exercise machine
             (B) A key to a storage room                    (D) An instructional video
             (C) A replacement machine
             (D) Help with moving supplies               42. Why does the man apologize?
                                                            (A) A store is not open.
          36. What problem does the woman mention?          (B) A product is broken.
             (A) There is no toner in a photocopier.        (C) A web site is out of date.
             (B) A travel agency web site is down.          (D) An item is sold out.
             (C) There is no paper for a copy machine.
             (D) An employee has not submitted a request  43. What does the woman request?
                                                            (A) A refund of her money
                                                            (B) A user’s manual
          37. What does the man say he will do?             (C) A free class
             (A) Bring the woman some paper                 (D) An additional item
             (B) Call a delivery company
             (C) Talk to a company manager
             (D) Visit an office supply company
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