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Part     ۄ੉೐ झఋੌী ؀೧ ݈ೡ ٸ
               3      ԙ աয়ח ష೗

                       19  ղ গ৮زޛী ؀೧ ݈ೞӝ
                        Do you have any pets?                         131

                       20  ׮੉য౟ী ؀೧ ݈ೞӝ
                        Do you think you need to lose weight?         137

                       21  ղ ઱߸ ࢎۈী ؀ೠ ࠛ݅ ݈ೞӝ
                        What kinds of complaints do you have
                        about the people around you?                  143

                       22  ղ Ѥъ ޙઁ ݈ೞӝ
                        Do you have any health problems?              149

                       23  ോ؀ಪ੉ হ׮ݶ
                        How do you feel without your cell phone?       155

                       24  ࣳೝ જইೞח૑ ݈ೞӝ
                        Do you like to shop?                          161

                       25  ਬ೯ী ҙब ੓ח૑ ݈ೞӝ
                        Are you interested in trends?                 167

                       26  ୹ృӔӡ Үాࣻױ ݈ೞӝ
                        How do you get to work?                       173

                       27  ա݅੄ ੤ప௼ ߑߨ ݈ೞӝ
                        How do you manage your money?                 179

                       28  6$$ ز৔࢚ ઁ੘ ҃೷ ݈ೞӝ
                        Have you ever made a UCC video?               185
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