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P. 13

                                          ߓ਍ ղਊਸ ځৢܻݶࢲ ׮਺ ؀ചܳ ৔য۽ ৮ࢿೞࣁਃ
          प੹ झೖఊ


             1  ޖױഫױ ೞ׮о ࢎҊ զ ࡞ೞחؘ
             A  Look! A going-out-of-business sale!

                ೠߣ оࠅې
             B  Watch out! There’s a truck coming this way.
                લਵ۰Ҋ ജ੢೮ջ

             A  Thank you so much! You saved my life!

             B  Any time. Hey, are you all right?
                ૘ী ؘ۰׮ ઴ө

             2  ௑ࢲ౟ ౭௄ਸ ࠽޷۽ ੘সਸ Ѧݴ

             A  Judy! I have two tickets for the Sting concert.
                աی э੉ тې

             B  Really? Of course I want to go. I love Sting.
             A  It’s on Friday night.
                ખ ੌନ ݅աࢲ ੷֘ ݡਸө

             B Sure.
                য٣ࢲ ݅զө

             A  How about in front of Burger King at 6 o’clock?

             B  Sounds great. I’ll see you there.

         ℆ A ੷ӝ ࠊ  ੼ನ੿ܻ ࣁੌೠ׮  Do you want to check it out? B ਤ೷೧  ౟۟੉ ੉ଃਵ۽ য়Ҋ ੓ਗ਼ই  Do you want
         to die or something? A ੿݈ Ҋ݃ਕ  ֎ ؋࠙ী ࢓ও׮  B Ҋ݌ӟ  ঠ  ց ҡଳ਷ Ѣঠ  Do you want me to take you
         ℇ A ઱٣  աೠప झ౴ ௑ࢲ౟ ౭௄੉ 2੢ ੓חؘ  Do you want to come with me? B ੿݈  ޛۿ оҊ र૑  ա झ౴
         ցޖ જই೧  A Әਃੌ ੷֘੉ঠ  Do you want to meet earlier and have dinner? B Ӓې  Where do you want to
         meet me? A ߡѢఊ খীࢲ 6द যٸ  B જই  Ѣӝࢲ ࠁ੗

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