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ޖٚ ޛযࠅ ࣻ ח ޙࢎ ಁఢ
Unit 25 What...?
157 What about...? _ যٸਃ 206
158 What if...? _ೞݶ যભ 207
159 What kind of...? যڃ ઙܨ _ 208
160 What is/are ... like? _ যڃоਃ 209
161 What do you say...? _ೞח Ѣ যٸਃ 210
162 What makes you...? ৵ _ೞաਃ 211
163 What (has) happened to...? _ী ޖट ੌ ࢤӟ Ѣਃ 212
164 What’s the best way to...? _ೡ о જ ߑߨ ޤਃ 213
Unit 26 Who...?, Which...?
165 Who is your...? _ ־ҳਃ 215
166 Who’s going to...? ־о _ೡ Ѣਃ 216
167 Who wants to...? _ೞҊ र ࢎۈ 217
168 Which way...? _ যו ଃੋоਃ 218
169 Which one do you...? যו ଃਸ _ೞաਃ 219
170 Which do you like better, ...? _ী যו ଃ ؊ જইਃ 220
Unit 27 Where...?, When...?
171 Where did you...? য٣ࢲ _೮যਃ 222
172 Where can I...? য٣ࢲ _ೡ ࣻ যਃ 223
173 Where’s the nearest...? о оө _ য٣ભ 224
174 Where’s the best place to...? _ೞӝী о જ Ҕ য٣ભ 225
175 When did you...? ઁ _೮যਃ 226
176 When do you plan to...? ઁ _ೡ ҅ദীਃ 227
177 When was the last time...? ݄݃ਵ۽ _೮؍ ѱ ઁભ 228
178 When would be a good time...? ઁ _ೞݶ જਸөਃ 229