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_೧ࢲ ӝ࡜ਃ                                                      002.mp3

                      I’m glad (that)...

          HMBEח ӝࢄ੉ա ߈о਑ਸ աఋղח ഋਊࢎ৘ਃ  Ӓېࢲ HMBE ؀न IBQQZա QMFBTFE۽ ߄Լب э਷ ڷ੉ ػ׹פ׮  HMBE খী ࠗࢎ TPա
          WFSZܳ ֍যࢲ ੄޷ܳ ؊਌ ъઑೡ ࣻب ੓যਃ

           A My mom was in the hospital last week.           A ਋ܻ ষ݃о ૑դ઱ী ߽ਗী ࣑҅য
           B How is she doing?                               B  যځनؘ
           A She’s much better. She’s resting at home.       A ഻ঁ աই૑࣑য  ૘ীࢲ एҊ ҅࣊
           B I’m glad that she’s okay.                       B  ҡଳਵद׮פ ӝ࡜

                                                                             much better ഻ঁ ա਷

             ׼नਸ ݅աࢲ ӝ࡜ਃ                 I’m glad that I met you.

             ׼न੉ ৈӝ ੓যࢲ ӝ࡜ਃ              I’m glad that you’re here.

             ਋ܻо ಴ܳ ҳ೧ࢲ ӝ࡜ਃ              I’m glad that we got tickets.

             Ӓ֗о ҡଳইࢲ ӝ࡜ਃ

             ਋ܻо ೻যઉࢲ ӝ࡜ਃ

             ੉Ѫ੉ ੜ ૓೯غযࢲ ӝ࡜ਃ

             ਋ܻо ੉Ѫী ؀೧ ੉ঠӝ೧ࢲ ӝ࡜ਃ

             ׼न੉ تਸ ଺ইࢲ ӝ࡜ਃ

             ղੌ ਋ܻо Ӕޖೞ૑ ঋইࢲ ӝ࡜ਃ

             ղ ஖ࣻী ݏח ৩ਸ ଺ইࢲ ӝ࡜ਃ

                                                                               ੿׹਷ ଼ࣗ੗  ଃী

                    5 break up ೻য૑׮  ҙ҅ܳ Ր׮   6 work out ੌ੉ ੜ ಽܻ׮  જѱ ૓೯غ׮   9 off work Ӕޖೞ૑ ঋח   10 dress ৩

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