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P. 5

ParT 3

              Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or three people. You will be asked
              to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best
              response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The
              conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

              32. Where is the woman going?               38. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
                 (A) To a terminal                           (A) Reading a newspaper ad
                 (B) To a museum                             (B) Trading in a car
                 (C) To her office                           (C) Offering a discount
                 (D) To a travel agency                      (D) Buying an automobile

              33. What will happen in thirty minutes?     39. According to the man, why is the seller
                 (A) An explanation session will start.      having a sale?
                 (B) A ride will arrive.                     (A) To reduce inventory
                 (C) A facility will close.                  (B) To close the store
                 (D) A tour will be over.                    (C) To increase sales
                                                             (D) To satisfy customers
              34. Why does the man insist walking?
                                                          40. What does the man suggest?
                 (A) The gallery is close by.
                 (B) Traffic is heavy.                       (A) Purchasing a smaller car
                 (C) There are no cabs.                      (B) Returning to the store later
                 (D) The line is short.                      (C) Visiting another store
                                                             (D) Buying an older model

              35. Who most likely is the man?
                                                          41. Who most likely is the man?
                 (A) A customer service representative
                 (B) A car dealer                            (A) A tour guide
                 (C) A deliveryman                           (B) A travel agent
                 (D) An auto mechanic                        (C) A cruise ship captain
                                                             (D) A conductor
              36. What is the woman’s problem?
                 (A) Her car has a small dent.            42. Why is the woman calling the man?
                 (B) She is late for her meeting.            (A) To reserve another cabin
                 (C) Her car needs servicing.                (B) To request a special discount
                 (D) She was involved in an accident.        (C) To check on the status of a cruise
                                                             (D) To change the departure date
              37. Why does the woman thank the man?
                 (A) For providing quick service          43. What does the man suggest the woman do?
                 (B) For charging a low price                (A) Cancel her reservation
                 (C) For giving her a free item              (B) Leave on another day
                 (D) For being thorough                      (C) Share a two-person cabin
                                                             (D) Change her booking

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