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ATRS-2-02                                         Main Idea & Details


                    What do your fingerprints look like?

                    No two fingerprints are exactly the same.

                    But most people’s fingerprints look like these.

                        WHORL           LOOP           ARCH

                    Take a pencil and scribble on a piece of paper.

                    Then rub your thumb.

                    Now get some tape.

                    Put a piece of tape over your thumb,

                    press down, and pull it off.

                    Then put the tape on a piece of paper.

                    What does your thumbprint

                    look like?

                                                                             Key Expressions

                                                                             A :  What does your thumbprint
                                                                                 look like?
                                                                             B : It looks like a whorl.

          2권미국교과서리딩 본문(학생용).indd   16                                                                              15. 11. 12.   오후 7:41
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