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P. 11

• Comprehension Check •

                        A    Read and circle the answer.

                        1.  What is the reading about?

                             a. It’s about a laser maze.

                             b. It’s about a fun night.

                        2.  What do you need to make a laser maze?

                             a. a laser

                             b. crepe paper and tape

                        3.  It’s fun to                   through the laser maze.

                             a. navigate                  b. touch

                                                          • Sentence •

                        B    Read and choose the correct sentence.

                                                       Tape the crepe paper high.
                                                       Tape the crepe paper low.

                                                       The player touches the laser maze.
                                                       The player starts the stopwatch.

                                                       The fastest player wins the game.
                                                       The fastest player times the race.

                                                                                                          Unit 02  17

          3권미국교과서리딩 본문(학생용).indd   17                                                                              15. 11. 12.   오후 8:27
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