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P. 19

4.  괄호 안에서 알맞은 단어를 골라 ○표 하세요.

                            ➊  The weather is (good / better) than yesterday.

                            ➋  I feel (good / better) today.

                            ➌  His score is (bad / worse) than before.

                            ➍  Her behavior was (bad / worse).

                        5.  우리말 해석을 보고, 빈칸에 알맞은 형용사(최상급)를 쓰세요.

                            ➊  My mom is                               in the world.  우리 엄마가 세상에서 제일 아름다워요.

                            ➋  I am                             guy.  난 세상에서 제일 행운아야.

                            ➌  You are                             in our class.  네가 우리 반에서 가장 똑똑해.

                            ➍  Who is                              singer?  누가 가장 인기 있는 가수예요?

                            ➎  Who is                              in your family?  너희 가족 중에서 누가 제일 키가 커?

                        6.  다음 문장에 and/but/or 중에서 알맞은 것을 쓰세요.

                            ➊  Take this medicine                sleep.

                            ➋  He is rich,              he is not happy.

                            ➌  I didn’t eat lunch,              I’m not hungry.

                            ➍  Which dessert do you want, ice cream                   chocolate cake?

                            ➎  I bought a book,                I didn’t read it.

                        7.  다음 문장에 주어진 동사를 알맞은 형태로 바꿔 쓰세요.
                            ➊                  spaghetti is easy. (cook)

                            ➋  Stop                  popcorn. (eat)

                            ➌  My mom finished                    the bathroom. (clean)

                            ➍  My dad enjoys                    jokes. (make)

                            ➎                  a ball is difficult. (hit)


          초등영문법무따기_본문_최종수정_1022.indd   189                                                                           2015-10-22   오후 12:47:16
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