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P. 15

                                ௕߄ۈ ܻࣗ t  ޙ੢ীࢲ о۰ٛӝ
               ޙ੢ ߊ਺ള۲
                                ഑द Ӓزউ Listeningਸ ೞݶࢲ often э਷ ױযо ੜ উ ٜܻ૑ ঋওաਃ  ߄۽
                                ௕߄ۈ ܻࣗ t < > ٸޙੑפ׮  oftenਸ rয়೑sਵ۽ ঌҊ ӝ׮ܻҊ ੓חؘ rযೕൔs੉
                                ۄҊ ૑աоפ ঌইٛӝо ൨ٜ঻ѷભ

           ℆  ӒѤ ઺ਃೠ ੌ੉૑        ℆  That’s an important matter.
           ℇ  ੉૘౟࢑ ݶ ஜҳܳ ୭Ҋ۽
             ஘׮                 ℇ  Egyptian cotton bedding is considered the best.
           ℈  ݔ೧ౡী оࠄ ੸੉ ੓ա
             ਃ                  ℈  Have you ever been to Manhattan?
           ℉  Ӓ֗ח ઙઙ ഒ੗ ٘ۄ੉࠳
             ܳ ೞפ               ℉  Is it often that she drives alone?
           ℊ   Lipton ؀ਤח ൧ౡ ഐభ
             ী щ׮               ℊ  Captain Lipton went to the Hilton hotel.
           ℋ  ਪبܻ ױ୶ ଻ਕਃ
                                ℋ  Button up your jacket.

                                ℆   important matter  importantীࢲ ݃૑݄ tח ؀ѐ ߊ਺ೞ૑ ঋणפ׮  Ӓېࢲ [-WQ@
                                  ਵ۽ ՘ա޲۽ tח rൔsਵ۽ ߊ਺ೞݶ ؾפ׮  matter੄ -tt-ח[ @
                                ℇ   Cotton bedding[ y Q EHG( )i\@         ℈    Manhattan[P‚QKq Q@
                                ℉   often[y f Q@         ℊ    Captain Lipton[ qp Q OfS Q@         ℋ    button[E  Q@

                             South Americaח Latin America
              যڃ ೟ࢤ੉ ੘ޙ җઁীࢲ r޷Ҵ թࠗsܳ South AmericaۄҊ ঱әೠ Ѫਸ ࠁওणפ׮
              ࠁా South Americaب rթ޷sۆ ڷਵ۽  Latin America৬ э਷ ڷਵ۽ ॺפ׮  ޷Ҵ
              ੄ թࠗח Southern part of AmericaۄҊ ೧ঠ ೤פ׮  Hess from the South ա
              Hess a southerner ۄҊ ೞݶ  ޷Ҵੋ ઺ীࢲب ౠ൤ թزࠗ ૑৉ ୹न੉ۆ ڷੑפ׮  ࠁ
              ా թࠗ ୹न੉ۄҊ ೞݶ  ૑৉੄ ޙചա ੗न੄ ୹न૑ী ؀ೠ ੗ࠗब    pride ੉ ъ೧ࢲ ఋഈ
              ೞӝ ൨ٚ ӝ૕੉ ੓׮Ҋ ೞભ  թࠗ ৠࣻࣻ ֪੢૑؀ܳ ઺बਵ۽ ֢৘೧ߑਸ ਤೠ թ࠘੹
              ੬ਵ۽ ੋ೧ ੋઙ р т١੉ ब೮؍ Ҕ੉ભ  ഑੗ח ই૒ب ੉ ૑৉ ࢎۈٜ੄ ݠ݁ࣘীࢲח թ࠘੹੬੉ ҅ࣘغҊ ੓׮Ҋ ೞӝب
              ೧ਃ  ౠ൤ ൓ੋٜ੄ ӝ૕੉ ъೠ Ҕ੉ ੉ ૑৉ ઱޹ٜ੄ ౠࢿ੉૑ਃ

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